hollyhocks or dark purple columbine?

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm so bummed! I just got my 1/2 off order from Bluestone, and 2 of the ones I was most looking forward to where sold out by the time they shipped. I didn't get my old farmyard hollyhocks or my william guiness columbine. Poo. Anyone have extra? This is going to mess up my plans! lol Not to mention that hollyhock takes an extra year to bloom, so fall shipping won't necessarily equal flowers next year. Anyone seen any of this at a garden center lately?

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Angie, last year I made an order from their half-off sale and the one I wanted the most was out. I emailed them to whine and they found some for me. Told them that was the main reason I had made the order. Just a thought, you might want to try.


Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I suppose I can muster up a good whine. lol

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)


I am pretty sure Pikes has hollyhocks and I think I saw them at Home Depot also. Not sure how close they are to you.
The whine sound pretty good also.


Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I whined via email. We'll see what happens, but honestly it's not their fault they ran out. It happens. I'll wait a bit and then search them out locally. Thanks for the tip Chris!


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