Still waiting for flowers . . .

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I am watching all these posts with beautiful flowers - lilies and all sorts of stuff and I am still waiting. I am positive that asiatic lilies and hosta had bloomed by this time last year 'cause I was making flower arrangements using these. I even had dahlias blooming now.

Everything has buds - but no flowers yet. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

Peonies are ok, poppies are ok, irises were ok but are now over.

The weather here has been awful. Most roses don't even have any buds. Something has completely decimated my New Dawns -- all of them -- it's way too cold, damp with no real rain, and it's perfectly sunless, which it shouldn't be.

My tomatoes are miserable.

It looks to be a horrid repeat of last year's poor June, which led to almost a total garden washout. Ugh.

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

So far I have False Indigo, Jacobs Ladders, Campanula and Columbine that just started blooming these past couple of weeks.. My Asiatic lilies have yet to open. I don't remember my hostas being open this early but this is only my second year having them. Still anxiously awaiting some blooms from my daylilies too. Ya know it could be the crazy weather we have been having this year slowing everything down.

My neighbor down the street has quite a few bushes with blooms that everyone is the neighborhood is jealous over. She is my idol I tell ya! Need to go down there and get some pointers from her.

This blaah weather we have been having has definitely helped to curb the plant buying spree I usually do this time of year.

This message was edited Jun 14, 2007 9:08 AM

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Too early for Hosta blooms. Some Asiatic Lilies already opened. Stella D'Oro has started. Coreopsis is in full bloom. So is Salvia. Things are moving along nicely.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

So I guess I am just being unrealistic . . .

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

All my roses are in full bloom, peony, salvia and malva is just starting to bloom. My daylilys are starting to bud. My oregano started to green up and shot blooms up very quickly the hummers like it! My rhody which I was very concerned about the winter damage is in full bloom too(much to my relief!)

I know what you mean about the weather! Brrrr! Sun, what sun!! Hoping the Sun will come out, Tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar, that tomorrow ... Sorry! I think I need to retire for the day!☺

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

I guess it depends on where you are. We're way behind, and the growing season being so short anyway, lots of veggies just aren't going to make it. And where are all the bees?

Fort Edward, NY(Zone 5a)

Columbine and Peonies are pretty much finished blooming . Many of my columbines buds never opened...such a downer!

My Roses are in full bloom right now, Heucheras and Hostas are stunning-although not blooming yet, their foliage is exceptional-, and fortunately, the portulaca seeds I threw down are really taking over or I wouldnt have much going on.... Calla lilies are poking their little heads out of the ground, and astilbes are flourishing. No color yet, but the foliage is beautiful on its own. I just planted them, so I dont know if they are going to give me much of a show though....

My squash is doing really well, my mammoth sunflowers are growing fast, cucumbers seem really happy, as does my basil. 4 different varieties of peppers are doing great.

Eggplant is doing badly as well as my maters-all 13 varieties are doing poorly. uuugghh....Determinates are doing better then the indeterminates, but I am not a happy camper....

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

It's a very slow start here, too.
My peonies just opened this week. The iris are still going strong. But nothing else!
Stellas have scapes now. Only a couple of my DLs have scapes. My stargazer lilies are just now forming buds. The daisies and BES show nothing yet. I planted a lupine that never showed an interest in flowering. Not even a bud on it.
Every day I take a walk around just to see what changed from yesterday.
I did find one rosebud on the only rose to have survived the winter. I have the WORST luck with roses.
Anyone have any suggestions on winter survival tips for me?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Lora, what kind of roses are you planting? Look for roses that are hardy to a zone or 2 colder than yours. Stay away from hybrid teas and try some of the hardier shrub roses, like the Knockout series that everyone is so interested in now. Or look for the Canadian Explorer roses or those hybridized by Buck and designed to be winter hardy. For winter protection, mound several inches of soil around the canes, and then pile shredded leaves or mulch over that. Remove gradually in the spring as the soil warms up.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Had the 'pleasure' this morning of finding that the deer have eaten the tops off just about every Oriental Lily I have. This is with Deer Scram spread nearby days ago and a regular spraying of Liquid Fence! Unbelievable. Anyone have a spare bazooka??

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

OMG! I feel so bad for you, Victor. I love my oriental lilies and would be devastated if this happened to me. I will take the squirrels to the deer. I think venison should be served regularly at your home!

Brewster, MA(Zone 6b)

My hybrid teas are the only thing blooming nicely. Usually, my New Dawns are full of flowers -- something ate them this year, no buds at all.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Michaela. Yes I was livid. I paid particular attention to them with the spraying as they were victims in years past. I'd love to get a pet Coyote to roam the garden. Or a huge three-headed dog, like Fluffy in Harry Potter!

My day was brightened in the PM when I had the pleasure to take part in Donuts for Dad with my five year old son, Paul, at his Daycare. He made a beautiful key chain for me and presented me with a great card.

Even my kids yell 'Get out of Daddy's garden!' when they see a deer in the yard!

Sorry to hear about your problem, Constance. New Dawn is beautiful. I have some blooms on mine right now.

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Grampapa. I had 3 Grandiflora Roses (is that right?). Cherry Parfait, Glowing Peace and Elle. Only Elle survived and that is just barely. I'm not sure how to encourage it to put out more growth.
I had a couple of $ store roses and those died too.
I guess I'm going to have to lurk around the roses forum for a while and find some "beginner roses" threads.
Anymore tips you want to send my way, feel free!! :-)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Lora, try reading some of the 'sticky' threads at the top of the rose forum. there's some great info there. and if you have any specific questions.. ask them there. you'll get expert advice :0)

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Victor, I don't have deer but I'm in a battle with SUPER MOLE! I flooded, used poison pellets, smoke bombed the the fur ball and all he does is laugh at me. I cover all the small tender Lilies with flower pots to protect them at night. Still find one every now and then with the top bit off.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I think I remember a Caddyshack post fro you! Have you tried trapping it? How about a photo of Cindy Crawford? She had a famous mole!

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

I am glad to report that, 'THE MOLE IS NO MORE!"
I'll spare all the details other then saying it was "whack-a-mole" in the end.
The neighbors enjoyed my victory dance although.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

His family / friends will be there soon enough. Enjoy your victory now!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Chuck, congrats on your victory!! we can all celebrate one less mole in existance ;0)

Thumbnail by grampapa

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