This looks like the same clematis if I post it correctly

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

My clematis with Diantis planted in front.It was marke Ernest Markham but I believe it is Ville De Lyon with Carneby in center.

This message was edited Jul 17, 2009 6:36 AM

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Here is Carnaby the others that are not blooming are suppose to be Ernest Markham but I believe they are Ernest Markham. I have pictures blogged of them blooming in my diary under vines.I can't find the picture now in my file. Must have deleted it. Woops Marlina

Thumbnail by Marlina
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Marlina, I love the dianthus at the base of the clem. Here in FL this time of yr mine look terrible, but have lived for 2 or 3 yrs now. They bloom best in cold weather and are normally gorgeous. Pretty picture.

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Mine are now done for the most part . going to seed. Since they are unreliable here in coming back through the winter I let them. . They really like it where they are at though, and the clematis seem to like them there too ...So pretty when all are blooming....When everything is blooming I have two Ville De Lyon one on each side of the Carneby clematis, it 's quite a statement all together colorful.I 'm not sure but I might have a better picture blogged under vines . Marlina

Thumbnail by Marlina
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I love the VDL's. I planted two about a month ago. I can't wait for mine to grow up and look like yours, hopefully. How many yrs have they been planted?
I thought dianthus would be doing very well right now in your climate, but I guess I shouldn't assume anything when I really don't know anything about northern weather. Right?

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Sharkey his picture isn't even at it's height of flowering. It was solid red up and down for quite a while but the Carneby didn't have that many blooms and I wanted to show that on the post. Will see if I have one showing more of the VDL. Marlina I guess not Darn it.Have to hope next year does as beautifully will send another picture of VDL pictures though ....

Thumbnail by Marlina
Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

I think these were all planted in 2006. So is my third year....Dianthus went into seed if I would have been chopping off the heads it would probobly bloom until fall but I want it to seed in case I loose a lot through the winter they were sold as annuals and I have had them for as long as the clematis.They seem to come back but I am told they are just reseeding...Doesn't seem like it though I just planted a tray of six little puny ones from So not complaining at all...Marlina

This is my Jackmanni

Thumbnail by Marlina
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

So, So pretty! I'm just going to have to figure out where to put a new fence, as I've been spending a fortune on trellisses. I've been searching everywhere for that lightweight coated fencing material that it looks as if you used on your fence, or is that chicken wire? I can't find it. I've seen photos where people actually attached it to the brick on their home for roses and clems to climb.
As far as dianthus, I've had the same plants for almost 3 yrs now. They are amazing and look best in our coldest weather. I try to keep them trimmed in weather like this when they start to look so bad.

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

It's some sort of wire my husband bought and put up don't ask how I don't really know but it works great.I am trying to get some dianthus going in the back of my front garden to give it more color when I look out my window...It is so bright and does bloom and bloom...Do you have any pictures I would love to see them. Always looking for some ideas for something new...Marlina This is asao in the picture and it is my earliest bloomin clematis.

Thumbnail by Marlina
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

The only pictures I have are on my July 11 thread. If you mean pics of dianthus, they look bad right now with this horrible heat. I just mentioned in another thread how badly I need landscaping advice, as I don't feel creative in that respect. So, I'm probably not the best person to ask for new ideas. However, I must be doing something right, as my hubbie keeps bragging about my flower gardens. Everything is overgrown right now. I'm having to trim and prune everything, including my perennials. I have some volunteer zinnias that are about 5 ft tall and trying to take over my trellises reserved for clems. As I tell my friends, "It's all in the soil."

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Soil is a major factor for sure. Light to...Marlina

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