Can you ID this pretty?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

this pic captured the colors quite well. Salmon with a yellow center. I would say this is a short canna, no taller than 2 ft. thanks for your help

Thumbnail by vossner
Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Got an extras by say, July?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hiya smock. this was a gift from Becky, a little rhizome. I will be happy to share but July might be too soon. I think I've found the name, either Pink Angel or Angel Pink.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

I've got several reds, orange & red, & some yellows that I got fr PHicks. But I don't have any pinks. They just seem so soft & say fragile compared to the other colors.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

you're right it is noticeable allright. I hope it turns out be vigorous. Somebody told me that dwarfs expand at a slower pace, but I don't know that first-hand since it is my first year w/them.

I also bought a dwarf pink this spring but that one hasn't bloomed yet. The foliage is variegated green/red. I bought it from a vendor w/ ho-hum ratings in GWD, so I hope it does turn out to be pink. I'm not trying to hide the name, I just forgot right now who it was.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

@ the Mercer Swap, Smock got some pinks. Don't know which one. & I got some more yellow. Neither bunch has flowered yet but the leaves look very healthy.
Patience, what's that?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Any chance this was grown from seed?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I would not know. I got a small plant from my dear friend but likely, she got it from another dear friend, lol. I know she's had it for a while.

Azreno, does grown from seed vs. rhizome division affect coloring? I know little about cannas.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

If it were grown from seed, identification with a named canna is unlikely unless you knew the parent and knew it grew true from seed, which many do not. But if the point is moot :) I missed where you found a match.....I agree, I think it's a dead ringer for angel pink, congratulations! She's a beauty :o)

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Mystery solved. This Beauty is Angel Pink. thanks everyone for your help.

Hooks, TX

Please compare yours with the picture of mine below. Are they the same variety? Mine are pink with yellow polka dots in the center.


Thumbnail by TexasLou
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes, it looks just like mine.

Hooks, TX

I really like this canna and would like to have many other varieties.


Riverview, FL

Mine is a more tangerine orange color, plus the leaves are not rounded, rather they are very pointy. Is it also an 'Angel Pink' or something else?

Thumbnail by darkempress2003
Riverview, FL

another pic...

Thumbnail by darkempress2003
Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Does this look like you guys' Angel Pink?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes. You can spray sevin every two weeks but leaf rollers (?) are a fact of life, when it comes to cannas. Mine are not looking too swift right now. I know some people who can't stand the chewed up leaves and whack 'em, but the fact is rollers are there ready to feast on the new growth.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmm... do you think leaf rollers did that? What do they look like?

I caught one of the culprits in action, but couldn't ID it and didn't want to spray until I did. It was a cat, about 2 inches long, that was pretty weird. Kind of translucent (reminded me of a jellyfish). Blue head, red body. I tried to take a picture but they were too blurred to post. I'm watching for another opportunity.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. I dunno. It looked sorta like that, jelly-like and all. But the head was segmented from the rest of the it. I'm going to have to keep watching.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

My leaf roller cats are more black than translucent. Could it be I have a different type of butterfly laying eggs on my cannas?

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

That's why I didn't want to spray this guy! Voracious appetite, and I think he's probably some type of leaf-roller. But I'd rather be sure first. You never know when you might be spraying something that you'd like to see flying around later.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Vossner, here's that blurry picture. Guess I was wrong about the segmented head. What do you think?

Thumbnail by pbtxlady
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hmmmm. I went to the link I posted on Sep 20th, above and it didn't work. Haven't ever seen a roller up close and personal so I can't say fer sure, but definitely see semilarities between the ones I found and the pic you've posted. I re-googled canna leaf rollers and saw pics very similar to yours. I can't seem to find a link with a short url.

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I'll just keep looking. It seems to be gone now, but if it's not something that will turn into a rare, gorgeous butterfly, then I'll definitely have to spray. It really made my little canna ugly!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

oh those have totally killed the niceness of my beautiful ermine canna leaves. to kill them, i just take pruners and cut any leaf that has an edge folded back, and usually the leaves are dripping nasty black guts by the time im done, but it kills them for the time being! i have been wondering if there is a way to keep them from even starting... anyone know of one?

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, see, that's the thing that makes me wonder. None of the leaves are rolled, and I haven't seen any of the webbing. They're just eaten down to shreds. :(

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

mine is like 1/2 and 1/2 just went out to decapitate more. it now has rust, so i sprayed neem on it too.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I am borrowing this link from the midsouth forum. They also had a thread going about leaf rollers. I think this one is really good.

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Thats a great article about the leaf rollers, thanks for the link!

I too have been fighting with everything eating my Canna's. I spray them once a week with Bt, which seems to help and I do alternate with hort soap and sevin. I hate the look of the chewed up leaves, so cut them off routinely.
Some canna varieties seem to be more immune than others. The picture is one that I have the best luck with, not sure why. The dark leafed ones seem to be the favorite of the leafrollers!

I will definitey get on them first thing in the spring with the Bt, as well as clean up this winter!

Thumbnail by Gardnerkett
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

GardnerKett, I have noticed the same but thought it was my imagination. For example, my Angel Pink is chewed up but not nearly as much as my Ermine. Wow, that one looks horrible. Since it is not really close where I can keep a watch on it, it doesn't get treated w/ sevin, but it sure needs it.

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

If I catch the rollers early enough, I just unroll the leaf, using a small knife to slice through the silk and spray the leaf with soap. Or just simply unrolling it leaves it open to other bugs to eat....
Kind of a gross past time, but thats gardening for you!
Its worth it to get those beautiful Canna blossoms! They are my fav's!

Thumbnail by Gardnerkett
Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Vossner, thanks for the link!

Ugh. That's it. :(

Garland, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a real photo of what mine looked like.

Somehow, though, I don't think this particular cat will be eating any more of my canna. :) Gross, I know, but hey, that's nature, right?

Thumbnail by pbtxlady
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I call it poetic justice, lol

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