
Yuma, AZ

What is the best way to get rid of Thrips?

You probably don't want to hear this but some thrips are "good guys" and only feed on other insects and mites. I don't know if you are able to do so but a photo might be a good idea lest you eliminate a pest that's not really a pest. Also too, what kind of a plant?

Yuma, AZ

The thrips I have are not good guys. I am talking about thrip in lettuce. Not only do they pierce the plant, and leave orange redish scars. They also spread a horrible virus called Tomato Spotted Wilt. I will try anything I can to get rid of them. I do not have a camera with a zoom powerful enough to get a picture, sorry.

My first thought is to go for Orthene BUT... you're dealing with a food crop and I have no idea whether that's kosher or not. My girlfriend isn't all that thrilled with me calling her at 7:15 am. She's done it to me before so I do not feel guilty at all but she said to tell you to use a product called Karate. I have NO familiarity with this product at all. She has a very large vegetable garden. My bet is maybe 3 rows of lettuce maybe 4? Do we have a forum here for vegetable gardening?

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

you can actually drown thrips with your hosewater. i never get them in my rosegarden and i found out that it's because i overhead water.

Yuma, AZ

Thank you all for the suggestions!

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