Tomatoes vs Cackles - about to purchase a flame thrower

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)

Tomatoes versus Cackles:

I'm sure there are the shiny CD proponents, and the bird netting, and the nylon stocking, and the chicken wire ...

... These guys are doing the peck and run thing, and I'm a bit miffed.

Any input would be GREATLY appreciated before I end up on the front page of the Dallas Morning News ....

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Good lord, what's a cackle? I thought this would be about chickens. Are cackles like grackles?

Mylar tape has worked very nicely for me. It costs very little and you tape 2 or 3 ft lengths to the cages, trellises, or stakes. Supposedly gets a "yikes, fire" response from birds.

The other thing that helps me is always keeping a couple of full bird baths, whether they're formal baths or pie pans set on a tree stump. Birds don't always go for tomatoes out of thirst, but when things are dry I believe they do.

Good luck.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2007 6:51 AM

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)


my word for little black annoying tomato eating piece of trash bird.

sorry, a little emotional there.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)


Same problem here.

I pick my tomatoes as soon as the blossom end portion starts turning pink and let them ripen in the kitchen. My extension says if you wait at least this long there is no decline in flavor (ymmv). The birds in my garden usually don't really start bothering them before they start turning color.

Frisco, TX(Zone 7b)

okay, bought 14X14 bird netting, and six posts - the garden cheap ole variety - and


(no the birds couldn't get to the carrots either :) )

Thumbnail by sublimaze1

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