
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ok, I was inspired for this thread by a similar one in the beginner's forums. I am curious. Carol - you work with Hoya's all day - but are they your favorite tropical plant? Plumeria are showy and smell good - but are they your favorite? So - I'm going to limit this to what you grow IN YOUR OWN GARDEN (Dale - no cheating!) What is your favorite plant/flower in your garden. I have so many, that it is very hard to choose, and I'm glad they can't read the computer screen from outside! But if I had to pick just one.....hmmmmmm, probably this truly sweet little hib that graces up daily with lovely blooms even though her stems are so thin she can hardly hold them up. My double peach hibiscus:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty! Do you happen to know the cultivar name? I just picked up a double peach that looks a lot like it, posted it on the Hibiscus forum to see if anyone knew which one it was but nobody knows yet.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I wish I did....but no joy, sorry. It would have been nice to help you for a change! :-) I do love this plant. What size did you get? I have had this for about 6 months, and I really worry about her. I wasn't kidding about the stems. The flowers are so big and heavy that it just looks like they are going to break the thin stems. The trunk (?) is nice and strong though, so I have started gently twining the thin stems around the trunk to help support them. The flowers are so beautiful, I truly want this darlin to be healthy.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I just got mine on Friday, it's in a 6" pot right now and it's pretty small, but it's already got 3 blooms on it and some more buds on the way, the stems are pretty short right now so the flowers haven't flopped over but I could see if the stems were longer that they probably would! If the folks on the hibiscus forum figure it out for me I'll post back here and let you know what it is

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

That would be great! Thanks! I hope your's is as faithful and loyal as mine has been. It's a very rare day that I don't see blooms on her. Enjoy!

Baton Rouge, LA

You've got to be kidding me, That is like picking a favorite child. Sure the leaves of my Alocasia look so strong and mighty, But the scent of my Plumeria is heavenly. Pink Jasmine, Night Blooming Jasmine, Red leaf Crinum, Brumansia, Butterfly ginger or any other of my Gingers. And don't think I don't love my Casia, my Loquat, my Banana or my Satsuma. Man my head is spinning...
I suppose if the house and garden caught fire and I were forced to fend off the flames of just one it would be my Pink Jasmine. Because I guess its like my first born. Every spring it is the first to wake up and explode into beauty and fragrance. for 3-4 weeks I can't walk through my door without being saturated with its glorious scent.
Wow that was hard,............ excuss me now I've got to go and explain this to all the other children.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Lance - don't you dare tell them! That is prevented by the Geneva Convention!!!! This was strictly between us - on the pooter - with no greenery peeking! Hmmmm....Pink Jasmine, very understandable choice. Got a pic? Come on you guys....I'm twisting some arms here!

el arish, FNQ, Australia

HELICONIAS!!!! They're all my favorite when in flower! These are flowering pretty profusely at the moment. Ann

Thumbnail by pogonantha

My plumeria Singapore Obtusa hands down.

Thumbnail by
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My gardenis when it is in bloom.

Hayward, CA

Charles Grimaldi Brugmansia's. Other Brugs don't combine the fast growth,heavy flowering and strong scent like Chuck does. Plumeria just blooms for too short a season for me 37 degrees north with the Alaskan current offshore-ha. Another great flowerer here are Fuchsias...with ease. Cymbidium and Masdavallia orchids, Orchids that hate cold and hot..both a little pricey,while the Fuchsia's are the lights of every garden.

This message was edited Jun 11, 2007 9:18 AM

This message was edited Jun 11, 2007 12:51 PM

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

UNFAIR!! It's like asking "How long is a string?"!!! I suppose because I have been able to indulge myself with 'my favorite' here on 12 acres...growing all of them and the list is still unfilled! To narrow down to one....I would have to say HOYAS. But that leaves the epis, jasmines, gardenias, brugmansias, tabernaemontanas, all in the back of the boat cutting bait!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tee hee hee....I'm enjoying this torture! Pep....you're cheating!!! Keep going, and post pics if you can. Pogonantha - I was hoping someone would choose Heliconia.....Haven't seen you here before....was I just snoozing, or are you new? Either way, Welcome!!!!!

I know its unfair....but come on now....if you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one plant.......no, that doesn't work - everyone would pick bananas and such....so just give a try...

Pepper......come on now, be a good pepper.....

el arish, FNQ, Australia

Thanks Shari, I've been lurking around Dave's for awhile just rarely post. Aemgydiana is the name of that particular one. Posting a torch ginger photo so they don't feel left out. Ann

Thumbnail by pogonantha
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My gardenia is in the pot on the left. I think it needs a fertilizer or something. lol. Hasn't bloomed for awhile. My pitiful peppers are on the right.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

My Gardenia is about 4 inches high, with about 6 leaves....your's is gorgeous by comparison. Are the peppers in deep enough pots? Just a thought. Now is the gardenia your favorite?

Pogo - beautiful torch!!!!

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

Honestly Mom, Why must you single out? There is nothing wrong with loving all your plants! I have lots of favorites. My asperagus fern in the best drape for the front of the house, orchids are my favorite flower, but I haven't seen the blooms on most of the orchids I have. Now that my schizo. hibiscus is blooming regularly, it's a favorite... and the peper plants that are doing so well, I'm very happy with and proud of them... I am still growing into my garden and the plants are still growing into their new home... we haven't had enough time together for me to have favorites! I CAN'T PICK JUST ONE!!!!
Mom, I love you, but sometimes you can be so mean!

Baton Rouge, LA

Sorry Shari, no pics right now (It's just to depressing to take pics of them amongst all the construction) but I will tell you that I have two pink Jasmines in pots hanging on either side of an A frame with a 6 ft Cyprus swing right out side my bed room door to the outside. I bet you can't quess were my favorite place to sit is come late March? My Heliconia's are in pots also and seem to require so much attention to preform well. If the moisture isnt just right they suffer. I may try putting them into the ground next year near the spa for warmth. I will probably lose them but that is a chance we take. My gardinas I love also except they are in the front of the house where they tend to be forgotten about and I take them for granted. (bad parent I know) They bloom every year right on time with no help what so ever from me, covering themselves with a blanket of white fragrance. I do wish that they were not as unattractive once the bloom has died. On a happier note, my Angle Trumpets are in tune again ( I had cut them back severely in April of all times so as to move them). But there Back!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I'm not mean....I'm curious. There are so many reasons that a plant can become a favorite....scent, dependability, beauty, a gift, a memorial, the reasons are as interesting to me as the plants themselves. Keep thinking, and let me know.

(Zone 1)

Oh ... how hard it is to pick one favorite! I have soooo many! But ... it changes from day to day. One day last year, it was this little Hibiscus I bought at Home Depot .... deep orange flower. It has buds right now but they haven't opened just yet, so here's a pic from last year:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

hee hee ... I'm just realizing we have Mom & Child here! I can't say Mom & Daughter cause I don't know, Tropicalmajik may be your son! Cute conversation, either way!

Did you say we couldn't post more than one? I can't resist. I just went out and took a pic of my favorite Bougainvillea that's sitting in a pot in my back driveway! Pink is my favorite color and I just love this one ... very vivid.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

Plantladylin - Yes, I am Islandshari's daughter. Full grown adult daughter with a daughter of my own, (she's 3).... My mom is my best friend, and my daughter is very fortunate to have a great Nana so close.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Lance - I know its misery now, but when all is done you are going to LOVE it! Hang in there buddy!

Lin - I LOVE your orange hib! I got a cutting of a double orange when we were in Pohnpei, and I have roots!!! I have roots!!! Can you tell I am really excited? I love the vibrant colors! I have two pink boogervilles - one has an orange tinge to it as well....also have white and purple. You can always count on some color from them - even when you think they have died....no so, out come the leaves and color!

Yup - Lin, meet my daughter Nina - best friend a girl could have! And she gave me my darlin granddaughter! Who could ask for more?!?!?

(Zone 1)

Nice to meet Y'all! I think it's wonderful that Mom, Daughter & Grandaughter live so close together and have such a great relationship .... and both love gardening! My dear Mom passed away a few years ago and I miss her every day. She wasn't into plants or gardening, but we were very close.

Shari: That's wonderful that your Hib has roots! I have rooted a lot of Hibiscus over the years and planted them around my yard. We've been in our house 32 years and made the mistake of planting Hibiscus right up under the windows when we first moved in! Yikes ... prune, prune, prune .... all the time! A couple of years ago I finally had hubby dig up almost all of them on one side of the house and gave them to neighbors! They would actually grow so tall they were above the roof! I am getting too old for so much work! hee hee. Now, if I meet someone who is talking about Hibiscus for the garden I always tell them not to plant them under windows unless they don't mind not being able to see out the window .... they have to be pruned almost every week! I just love the flowers .... so many different types and colors! My favorite Hibiscus was one that has small variegated leaves. It originally had beautiful flowers that were a dark and pale pink almost stripe! It was kind of a weeping Hibiscus .. the branches were long and thin and would hang with the flowers. I've had the plant for 25 or 30 years in the yard. About 5 years ago, the flowers all of a sudden came out a reddish/coral color. Not the same at all! I guess it must have originally been grafted or something and has reverted back to the original mother plant or something. A lot of the new leaves are coming out solid green also. :( It's not as pretty as it once was!

Well, I've got to get busy - hope everyone has a glorious day!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Lin, yep - I've had a few Hibs do that over the years. For all I know, some of the ones I have now are back at root stock. And I know the type you mean with the long drapey stems...I find them very pretty - just going their own way and waving in the breeze. These are also the ones that seem to survive our horrendous winds as well - bending not breaking as the saying goes.

So, lets see some more favorites! Come on folks - enquiring minds want to know!

(Zone 1)

Oh, I just have too many favorite plants! No Flowers on this little Coleus, but very Colorful ... I love plants with variegated foliage almost as much as ones with flowers!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Very lovely - so is that your fave???

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Come on folks....there must be some more favorites out there! As I said before, I'm just curious as to what becomes a favorite and why. So - lurkers.....speak up!

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Just one?? Even in my own garden I don't have just one.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay, I give up. I guess for plants, it just isn't possible to pick a favorite.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Shari, try top ten. In your garden too.

One of my favorites is scented Pelargoniums, they are from Southern Africa, much of that area is what I call the 'cool' tropics.

Yes, this plant is in my garden-in a pot near the front steps>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

dale - good idea...I may just modify it a bit thought - top five. I think I'll start a new thread for it.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

My favourite .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well done Kell! I agree, and will stop trying to pin people down... so glad you came back!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I saw the NEW ISLAND .
Who was the guy at the end ?
The Photographer ?

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

He was the rich guy that owns the boat.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

ginger is baaaacccckkk!!! Bout time!! :~p

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Yes Pep ,
I've had my little rest and am now ready to fly .
I am logging and taking Pics of all the mountains in SE Qld .
For an American Rock Climbing Magazine .
In 3 weeks I have done more than 3/4 . So I'm well on track .
Then I have to GRADE each Walk , from 1 to 10 .
This is of cause our favourite . Mt Lindesay ( G 10 ) in the background .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Ginger. Welcome back.

That's one heckuva photo!

This photo is one of my very favorites this year. It's an Orchid Tree.

My sister Connie and I saw one a couple of months ago at a local nursery. It was head and shoulders above the other plants and in full bloom. After oohing and aahing for several minutes, searching for a price on the pot, we found none. We walked into the main office and were told it was $129. YIKES!!! I liked it, but not THAT much!

Shortly thereafter, we made a trip to San Antonio to visit with our mom. We nursery hopped while there and saw one about half that size. Price was $69. Still too pricey for this goodwill mama.

On the way back to Beaumont, we stopped at RJuddHarrison's house and had a wonderful visit with Randy. He took us to Zone9Tropicals, just down the road from his house. We met Wayne, who really knew his stuff about plants. One of the first plants I spotted on the way into the greenhouse was an orchid tree. I looked at Connie and thought I was going to hyperventilate. I looked at Wayne and asked him how much. This plant was about 1/3 the size of the first one we'd seen. He said he normally sold them for $15 but would sell to me for $10. GASP!!! I told him I wanted 2!!!! I gave the 2nd plant to Connie. She's trimmed off the branches on hers to make it a tree, while I left mine alone and potted it in a container with other things. I've been told that it needs to be overwintered the first 2 years and then it can stay outside. They get to be about 20-30 ft. tall!

I haven't seen many blooms this year, but it's leafing out like crazy.

Just thought I'd share the story so you'd know WHY it's one of my favorites. :-)

The Orchid Tree is in the center of a waybigo clay pot next to the photo insert of the bloom. The photo of the area was taken today. No blooms on the plant right now.


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Great pics!!!

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