Expedited, small-scale 'Composting for Dummies' ...

Vancouver, BC

...for small-scale scenarios such as balconies and indoor projects.

A few days ago I acquired a bag of way-overripe mangos straight from Manilla. They were so overripe that some were emitting a gaseous--propane-like--odour; and I thought to myself: "wouldn't these be appropriate for composting?" I opened them and put all the pulp--and the skins--in a double bag; now I'm wondering what to do with it. I'd happily add some earthworms, which I usually collect from the 'urban wild'--but the Robins usually beat me to it---it's their job afterall! I'd flatout purchase earthworms, but the sources I've previously checked-out require the purchase of several pounds--far more than I'd require.

I would like to know what materials--other than 4-legged critter manure and with or without earthworms--will expedite the process of composting to produce usable material?

Advice from any and all will be greatly appreciated!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

It sounds pretty wet, I think you need dry - brown ingredients... like shredded newspaper, leaves, etc
If you have a bait shop near by, purchase a small cup of night crawlers or red worms.

Vancouver, BC

Since I entered my 'composting for dummies' question, I stepped-up the proactive approach and am now enrolled in a one-day worm-composting workshop later this summer. I'm really looking forward to it!

Thanks for your feedback!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Good for you!
Worm compost is the BEST.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I think by this time , what's in the bag is 'liquid fertilizer!"

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