Advice about CA buckwheat

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Our neighbor finally mowed his weeds down last year and this year he has buckwheat all over his property! Among them, there is a red variety that I would love to have. When do I collect the seeds and how do handle them afterward? Is the red liable to repeat from seed?

Fagopyrum esculentum isn't an indigenous plant. It's been around so long that it has naturalized in many states so I could see why so many people would think it was indigenous to this continent.

I don't know much about these types of plants so I wouldn't want to guess at whether or not the red is going to repeat from seed. Many revert to type.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

These plants are Eriogonum (fasciculatum and others) - native California buckwheat.

I did find out there are reds/pinks available.

I haven't checked the neighbor's plants lately, but some of the ones we have here start out pink and then turn white.

I LOVE Las Pilitas. Can you call them and ask them? They are so good with phone questions.

I was wondering why this was posted over here. I looked at your site and the Eriogonum arborescens is straight species so that should come true from seed. The Eriogonum fasciculatum "Theodore Payne" is one that leaves me scratching my head because they have it in double quotes not single. If you think that's what's out there, why not try it and see what happens. Maybe try a cutting?

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

I went back and forth about where to post (CA, propagation, or this one) it was kind of a flip of the coin. I live about 8 miles from Las Pilitas and it's where I get most of my plants. I want to try seeds to get more plants into the budget, as we have a lot of land to cover. Theodore Payne had a good list, and they sell seeds, that's why I ended up there. Unfortunately, they don't have available the ones I'm interested in! There's a lovely yellow, too - E. umbellatum umbellatum - and a giant red one, I think it was E. giganteum.

I will keep an eye out for the seeds to mature on the plants (and to see if they turn white) and give it a shot. Meanwhile, I will post over at the CA forum and see if anyone has the plants so perhaps I can get seeds.

Wish me luck!

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