Anyone have any Coral Bean seeds?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I am looking for some for SASBE or trade. I've not had any luck on the Seed Trading Forum. Thought I would post it here as I know many folks have it in their gardens for the hummers! Thanks!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Becky, I have 8 that I got in a trade that you can have. If you're in the address exchange, I'll mail them out to you today.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lily - Thanks so much!!!!

Do you need any more butterfly host plants? I have seeds for many. LMK.

Let me at least reimburse you for postage. It's gone up with the new postage rates for non-flat or bubble envelopes.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I'm just glad I have the seeds to send you! No reimbursement needed or wanted because I'll mail the bubble envelope from work, and it won't cost me anything. :)

I think I'm set on host plants -- I just know I cannot grow dill anymore, so I've got plenty of fennel, parsley and milkweed, so I think I'm set, unless you have some suggestions.

I'll mail the seeds out to you as soon as I get to work.

Have a great Friday!!


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Felicia - What about Nasturtiums for the Cabbage White butterflies. It is a host plant for them here for me! LMK!

They are listed for your county:

Thanks again!!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Felicia - Even though Sulphur's aren't listed for your county, they are listed for your state and so you might get them in your area if you have something to tempt them. I have the Privet Cassia seeds and a few seeds of the Passiflora incarnata (Passion vine) for some species of the Fritillaries. Both plants would only be annuals in your zone unless you were able to bring them in for the winter months. I grow many plants in pots and bring them in during cold snaps. I've had very good success doing that! Just a thought.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

There's a lot that's not listed for my area for some reason. I saw that Monarchs aren't listed either, and I definitely have those.
Actually, I have a huge Passiflora Caerulea which, luckily is hardy in my area, and am growing seeds for the incarnata. I also have Lady Margaret and Vitiflora, but, of course, those aren't hardy here.
Ok, how about a few Nasturtium seeds, since I'm pretty sure I've got the Fritillaries covered.
Thanks much!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah Becky, I am surprised how skimpy Felicia's county map is too. I know there has got to be much more species there bc of the surrounding areas.
Felicia, when you see one not on the list, be sure to report it so they can add it to the list. Also I have been trying to make sure I report to BugFiles, and add photos I get here in DG. Sounds like you have a nice garden selection for the sure bets! Nice going!


Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Becky, I have Coral Bean seeds but wasn't able to get the few I tried to germinate. Do you know something that I don't know about them? :)

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Thanks much, Deb! That really means a lot that you said that. I guess "lurking" here for months, really paid off.

If I can get a decent picture of my butterfly nectar garden, I'll post it, but right now the plants are still a little small. In the nectar garden, I have: Salvia greggii (cherry), Agastache, lantana, 3 butterfly bushes (not yet blooming), coral bells, mallow, and some tiny hollyhocks that I grew from seed.

I will definitely see what I can do about getting the butterfly & moths website up to date. The county next to me (Floyd) is even worse!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Nasturtiums it is! Will send them out pronto! :-)

I agree with Deb, Felicia! Your county is probably pretty scant because the B&MNA probably doesn't have many contacts in your area to do the reporting! Sounds like something maybe you could do for your county whenever you see a butterfly or moth not listed. I have been doing the same for my county as some I have seen are not on my county map.

Paige - Someone from the seed trading forum posted on my thread request and said that they needed to be nicked and possibly have an acid soak. (Though I am not sure what kind of acid to use.) I will try nicking a couple to see if I can get them to germinate. If not, I will try using other means after some research. :-)

Felicia - I'd love to see a photo of your garden! :-) :-) I love seeing other folks gardens!!!

This message was edited Jun 8, 2007 9:19 AM

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Great, Becky!
I've got yours packaged up and ready to go. Is there anything else you may be looking for, because I just may have it -- I got a ton of seeds in a trade last fall, a lot are vines and/or butterfly nectar seeds.

As far as the coral bean seeds, have you tried soaking them in H202 and Superthrive? The H202 seems to really help very hard to germinate seeds (brugs, would be one).

That's an idea, Becky, I could be a "butterfly scout," for B&MNA, and always come here for help identifying those that I would have questions with. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like that idea, because my 10 year old daughter would get a huge kick out of doing something like that.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Felicia - You don't happen to have any Purple Coneflower seeds, do you? I got some seeds in a group swap, but the foliage that is sprouting doesn't look like those plants. I think it may be something else. :-( If not, I would be so very happy to just get the Coral Bean seeds! :-) Thank you!

Go for it! Be the scout for Clark county!!!! That would be a great project for your daughter especially. The elementary students at my school love doing IDing and raising cats! She'd love it, I know!!!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I just may have purple coneflower seeds -- I know I did at one time, I just cannot remember if I gave them away in a trade. I don't think I did. When I get home from work I'll look. I'll go ahead and send out the coral beans today, and if I do have the coneflower seeds, I'll mail those to you on Monday.

Cori (my daughter) has already raised some moth cats, and a few actually made it, and that was several years ago. And, of course, she's anxious to see if we can raise some butterflies this year.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Felicia! You know .... I am trying to place YOU? When you mentioned your daughter's name, I kept thinking that I have traded with or read other posts by you or something. I can't remember, but ya seem familiar to me for some reason. Any clue from your end? I have a son named, Cory. :-)

Or maybe I'm just getting feeble-minded and clueless in my old age! LOL!

This message was edited Jun 8, 2007 10:36 AM

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

From here. :) It started with a picture of Cori holding a hummingbird moth.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)


Thanks Felicia! Now I feel better. I knew I remembered your daughter for some reason! LOL! Now I don't feel quite so lame. I think it was her name that stood out in my memory! :-) :-) :-) Too funny!!!! Getting old isn't for the meek, that's for sure!!!!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Oooh, now, that's pretty. Excuse my ignorance, but what is that in your picture? My "passion" has been brugs, but am now expanding to other things, much to Cori's relief. :)
Yeah, the "blonde, senior" moments, are definitely NOT for the weak of stomach, are they?

Edinburg, TX


If you want more seeds let me know...there is a huge coral bean bush a few miles away from me. I can always drive by there and see if there are fresh seeds ready to harvest.

I usually collect several hundred seeds for trades each year but since I haven't done much seed trading this year I decided to toss out everything from my seed stash into the back pastures at the ranch and let Mother Nature take over their fate.

~ Cat

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, Felicia! How'd ya know I was blonde????? LOL!

The plant in the pot is just simple ole' bush daisies. They looked horrible a month before this photo was taken. But I fertilized and trimmed them back and ta da! they suddenly came back as a garden "star"! Amazing what some pruning and fertilizing will do for a plant! lol

Cat - Grab me some seeds next time you are out and around & see some available. It may take quite a few seeds before I can get some to grow! My thumb isn't completely green yet. ;-) Some seeds you can never have enough of! :-) Thanks so much for the offer!!! :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Hmmm .... pruning and fertilizing, that's a concept!! LOL!! Seems all I do is feed and pot up these days. :) Maybe that's why I'm trying to expand my horizons...
Lucky guess on the blonde part! I'm blonde in the summer, so I feel your pain!

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

just nic a couple of times and soak a couple of days in water. Only bury the thickness of the seed. You want Cristi-gallii or Bidwillii since they bloom through out the season. Herbacea only blooms spring but given your zone it may bloom more. Bidwillii is by cutting only and hard to root. May give it a try. If you ever get down this way I have a huge Indica that I have to cut the top out of to over winter in the garage so i found out I am not going to see it bloom as it is a winter bloomer

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Felicia - Your brugs are beautiful! I am growing some Datura, but they don't seem to like all the rain we've been getting lately. My blonde also comes from the intense Florida sunshine. We are the Sunshine State afterall! LOL!

Thanks, Donna, for the seed germination suggestions. I will try that for sure. I really want to get a couple of the Coral Beans in my garden bed. How do you tell the difference between the Cristi-gallii and Bidwillii? Can you tell the difference by the seeds? I didn't know there was more than cultivar of the plant. Sorry to hear that your Indica won't bloom this year because of the "low" garage ceiling. LOL! Seriously, that's really a bummer!

Has anyone ever grown Lion's Ear plant (Leonotis nepetifolia)? I planted several seeds in one of my beds and it appears that not only did they ALL germinate, but they are growing as fast as a cassia plant. Eek!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I got some of the Lion's Ear seeds too and started some inside. The blooms were pink tho and I thought they were going to be orange. Mine attracted these weird blue little beetles too!

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

the Lion's Ear are awesome. They transplant well while they are small if you want to move some. They are annuals if you get a freeze so don't panic lol. The more sun they get the better they bloom. If in more shade they will get 10' tall!!!! before they bloom lol. Bidwillii is sterile. It has to be grown from cuttings. I have 12 Varieties of Erythrina, Most have to be kept in pots. I have Herbacea, Cristi-galli, Bidwillii, Caffra, and Coralloides in the ground and thinking about putting Acanthrocarpa in the ground as well since I have a back up plant. It is supposed to be hardy to the mid 20's from the little info I was able to get on it. I got my seeds from e-bay. The blooms on Bidwillii and Cristi-gallii look almost identical to be but Bidwillii sends out very long bloom spikes. I may take some cutting in late summer and try to root some to share since it will be cut back for winter. Some of the varieties look like brown kidney beans, some big some small, others look like red/orange peas

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

KK that is the Leo Sibericus. You probably got them from me. Please save me some seed. Mine didn't come back up and they are very hard to fine

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Paige - I believe that this is the Lion's Ear plant that I have seeds growing:

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

that's it Becky if the seed came from me in the big plant swap by Pepsi Drinker we were all in. I put bunches in the package

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Donna - I bet that's exactly where I got the seeds ..... from YOU! Cool! Is this plant pretty tame or can it be a bit invasive? Just wondering if I need to keep an eye on the growth or the seeds. Thanks! It sure seems to like my garden bed. :-)

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

just cut the seed head of to prevent spreading but I have only had a couple come up in a pot that was near and in the place I had them last year. So really pretty tame. When you want to collect seed. Let it dry brown down the stem some. Cut enough stem to hold. Put over a bag and beat the heck out of it. It has little no see um stickers if you try to pick out the seeds. I learned that real quick lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Donna for the tips on growing Lion's Ear! It looks awesome when in bloom! Very unique and eye catching! :-)

Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

Becky thanks for that link.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

I have more of the spring blooming Coral bean seeds. They germinated well after filing the coat, soaking in H2O2 and planting.

Paige, I'd be happy to send you a little CB plant. I germinated several, partly to have available for plant trades. I'd love to send you one. The Texas Star Hibiscus you sent me are doing well. I potted up a bunch of those too. I'm having a round-up this fall and I'll have those to trade so thank you. Just LMK you're not going on vacation and I'll get it out this week coming.


Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I just looked through all of my seeds, and it looks like I did give the purple coneflower seeds away. I'm sorry. :( I'll have more later this year, if you're still interested.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Felicia - Not a problem. I'm very happy to get some Coral Bean seeds! You are too kind!!! If you do get more seeds for some of your coneflower, please save me a few. I'd sincerely love to get some! Thank you!!!!

Your seeds are going out in today's mail! Good luck sowing & growing them. :-)

Delisa - You are being rather shy. Anything I can do you for? Do you need some seeds for host or nectar plants? I play nicely with my friends and share what I have. What do you have growing in your garden currently? What would ya like? Maybe I have it and can send some your way. LMK. You'll find that there are many very kind, helpful, and generous folks here on this forum. They brought me from a few pathetic plants to a yard full of blooming garden beds! Some of the nicest gardeners and butterfly enthusiasts you'll ever meet are right here! And I am speaking from experience! :-) :-) :-)

Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Becky for the welcome. I am going to start hanging out here.

I have a coral bean plant spring blooming that has pods all over it. Do you think if I plant some of the seed while the pods are still green they might germinate?

I have
wild maypop for the friterlay (spelling)
coral porterweed
purple porterweed
erythrina caffra
butterfly weed
coral bean
different cassia
chaste trees
jatropha 3 types
wild Green shrimp plant
red shrimp plant
a few different cuphea
Hamelia patens
Narrow-Leaved Sunflower
four oclock
Passiflora edulis
Cutleaf Coneflower
many different salvia

and lots of other stuff so I am well on my way with the butterfly and hummingbird plants.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes DonnaB, I did get the seeds from you. I still have some and will watch my little plants for more. I thought I researched the ones I started but must have not seen this pink flower because I expected it to be the orange. Have you ever had these little blue beetles on yours? eekk!

I also have L. nepthafolia seeds but I guess those didn't germinate. I'm going to go toss a few out today and let them try it naturally.

Maggie, I'd love a CB if you have one to spare. I probably got these from you! I'd be happy to send you the seeds back since you are able to germinate them. ? I'm glad that the hibiscus are doing well. I've got one that has been moved, cut back, thirsty and still comes back bigger each year.

Becky, did I not send you some coneflower seeds? I might have labeled them "pink" but they are actually the purple ones, they just are more pink to me. lol If not I'm sure I still have some. I love mine! :)

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Paige - Save seeds from yours! I am thinking about just buying some coneflower plants. It's already summer here and I think the hot sun in July will fry seedling plants. I may want to get some from you in the Fall for winter sowing if I can't find any locally. Thanks for the generous offer! I really do appreciate it!!!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

KK I do have some of the Sibericus. I just now saw them blooming in the wildflower garden. Guess mine were just a littler later than yours.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)


Pass them on. I still have some and should be able to harvest wild oines in time for my Round-up. I loved the way you sent the hibiscus to me- I'd neer have dreamed that would work. I bought a whole box of BW envies at Sam's so I'm looking forward to using them.



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