Mouse Ear Hosta

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I recently posted on another persons post about hostas that ME was about to bloom. The smallest, yet the first to bloom. I got this when Susan and I went to Winterberry Farm a couple of years ago. This is the first time it bloomed.
The one in the rear is Stained Glass that I got in a trade with Brenda last year. Really pretty. ME is a mini

Thumbnail by Georgiaredclay
lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Here's Stained Glass. Really nice.

Thumbnail by Georgiaredclay
lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

And the watch dog (gator) that is watching the gold fish next to the hostas.

Thumbnail by Georgiaredclay
Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

That poor baby mouse, trying to carry that big flower!
Very nice looking stained glass. Another one on my growing list of gotta gets.

Gator doesnt look mean enough Jim, maybe add something hanging out of his mouth. :) LOL

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Chris if it spreads I will get you on the top of the list.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Jim, nice! I think I got that one too, but haven't seen it bloom.. you must treat your hosta real good for it to bloom on you and all! Do you know that I put that list of hosta that we got somewhere real safe and haven't put my hands on it in a real long time.. so I don't know the name of most of the stuff out there.. but it all has names I'm sure! We got some great deals didn't we!?


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Yeah Susan it was some good buys. I remember you were buying Hostas and I was more into Elephant Ears. All the ears are gone except for one called Black Runner. Gosh that thing is pretty. I have the hostas all named that I bought. I can't remember if we bought a lot of the same ones or not. I can tell you what I have if you need some ID. I haven't given them the first dose of any fertilizer. Just ready to bloom I guess. I fertilized like crazy last year and it never bloomed. Go figure.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, I planted lots of Elephant Ears this year. My mom grew them In South Florida when I was a little girl, so I made a place for them in my cottage garden :) I took out lots of sod in a place where it was just too wet to grow right and they are coming up now. They will be huge by the end of the season. Don't know if I'll be able to pull them up for winter.. too much stuff to do!

I really haven't fed my hosta much either. Those plants are the toughest in my garden!

I've got your shrimp plant planted and it's looking great. I need to take pics and show you. Also, the bee balm, cannas and ginger bed "Jims garden" is about to bloom and I'll take pictures of it too and show you. The bee balm is about as tall as I am! They are all trying to outgrow each other! The cannas behind them haven't been touched by any bug as the bee balm is so thick, bugs haven't found their way to the cannas!


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