CLOSED: CLOSED: Have: Video games & dvds to trade for plants

U.P., MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
I own a used video game/cd/dvd store and I am alway looking for perennials I don't have for my garden.

I am looking for:
hen & chicks
pond plants
colored iris I don't have
unusual perennials
named daylillies
fancy hostas, i have enough of the basic green and white

For trade I have playstation 1 & 2, x-box, gamecube, game boy, psp, n64, nintendo, and super nintendo games.
I also have lots of dvds, vhs, and cds.

Just email me if you are looking for something and I may have it.


Wray, GA

I have daylilly called Magic carpet ride ,double dangerine something. I will look up the names of the ones that I have and get back to you.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

looking for psp games or movies
DS games

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