Some tomato questions

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

So - just how big are tomatoes supposed to get. I bought tomato cages but now they are well out of them up to about 6 feet high. I had to run out and buy some stakes. Should I have started with a trellis? What do you do with the branches that have multiple fruits? Should you thin them out? What if the branches with fruit get so heavy they bend? I read that you should pinch out the little branches that form in the crotches of main branches - do many of you do that? Any insights would be appreciated. Sarah

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

You will probably get better answers in the tomato forum. Be prepared to tell them which cultivar you are growing. They come in all sizes from the little 6'' tall windowsill tomatoes to the 12-20 foot indeterminates.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Wow - I had no idea there was a specialized tomato forum! Thanks for the tip. Sarah

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