How can I get this to root and grow?

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I was puttering around near the flower garden this weekend and came across an elm tree that at some earlier point we had bulldozed over. We live in a wooded area that has a lot of oak and elm in it. Anyway, this particular elm had been knocked over but not killed. I noticed that it had sprouted some branches at just about ground level coming off of the old trunk. One of the branches has some beautiful cream and yellow varigation in the leaves. I know that is is not diseased as the leaves are nice and healthy looking as is the branch they are growing from. I cut off the green branches to give more energy to this one and mounded up some compost around it hoping to get it to root. Have I done it the right way? Would really like some input on how to develop this branch into a tree that I can dig up and save.

The only experience I have propagating Elms is with Ulmus americana and Ulmus rubra and both times were from seed. They germinate well from seed. I've not tried air-layering of either of these natives but why not try? The bonsai folk are doing it with Chinese elms and it works well enough with other species-

If this process is successful for you, don't expect to end up with an Elm tree that has cream and yellow variegation to the leaves even if you use that particular branch.

I'd love for you to try this to see if it works. Sounds like fun and I wish I had time this year to try it myself.

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