my poor nasturtium

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh man, I'm so ticked!!! My $#! husband, weed wacked my little nasturtium seedlings. I just got done asking him if he wanted me to show him where I planted them(mind you, we're standing not 5 feet from where I planted a couple of them the rest were spread around the yard to cover the chain link fence) and he tells me that he's not weed wacking the backyard tonight and if he does "I'll only do the stuff that looks like grass" UGH!!!!!!! So I pointed out from where we were standing where I planted them. Not 30 seconds after I quickly showed him(even though he couldn't take a second to actually look at them to see what they looked like)where I planted them I checked where he weed wacked in the back yard( Where he said he wasn't going to do) ugh! he chopped my poor little seedings right to the ground. Did any of that make any sense? I know I rambled some, sorry.
I may have to permanently hurt him!
Do you think they'll grow back??? Could I plant some more seed now or is it too late? Do garden centers sell them already growing?
Did I mention how ticked off I am? And I've actually calmed down some.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

It always amazes me and my daughters what my DH claims to have not heard! And somehow it is always OUR fault since we apparently "did not make it clear" or failed to ensure that he heard what we said. We finally have resorted to putting in writing anything that is REALLY important and having him sign and date when he was first told. We then post it on the fridge so he cannot claim he "didn't know."

It is actually very funny . . . the three of us just crack right up when DH claims we "never told him any such thing"!

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

flowerjen - I know how you feel. I only let my DH weed wack around certain places. I don't let mine near the garden (NO GARDENING IN HIS GENES WHAT-SO-EVER, but I still keep him around for the heavy stuff LOL) unless I'm right there with him!! He wacked off half of a primrose that I had planted and forgot about - so I let him near it - my fault. Garden centers may have nasturtiums but they don't transplant too good so I've heard. Best to grow them from seed so they aren't disturbed. ps - I ramble too - nice to meet another one! :-) Eleanor (the old grammyphoeb)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

So what is everyone's opinion on whether they'll grow back or not???
Do you think I can plant some more seeds now or is it too late?

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

I wish someone with more experience would answer cause I don't know about them growing back. If they were cut off down to the ground and no leaves left they probably will not grow back - just an uneducated guess! I don't see why you can't re-seed. My gardening experience until DG has all been trial and error. Check the seed package and see how long it takes them to germinate and grow to produce flowers and that should give you some idea as to whether they will blossom before summer is over. I planted some from seed and they are not too far along yet (first time planting them). When I researched nasturtiums I remember it said to get them to flower don't fertilize or else they will put growth into leaves instead of flowers - just an extra tidbit of info.!!
I keep forgetting to sign my name for victor - Eleanor

This message was edited Jun 7, 2007 6:08 AM

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

They do germinate real fast if you soak them in water overnight I had the first leaves showing a week after planting. So I guess it should be fine.
Yeah, and how about some more opinions please???!!!!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I think you'll have no problems at all planting new seeds flowerjen. I'm not so sure about the old seedlings growing back, though.

My DH is lethal with the lawn mower. I don't dare let him use the weed wacker. He mowed down so many of my plants, I swore he had to go to the doctor to get his eyes checked. He mowed my forsythia down! He mowed down my bleeding hearts. My bleeding heart! He'd feel so bad afterwards, that he'd offer to buy a new plant. That was nice. Turned out, my forsythia and bleeding hearts could handle it and grew back great the next year. The other things he mowed down, or stepped on while mowing, I just have to let go...


South China, ME(Zone 5a)

the headlines here read:
"Weigela Slaughtered, Only Wood Chips Left"
story page 5B

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Harper, point out the PI and Bindweed to him and let him do his thing.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

I wish I could Victor. They grow in an area where the mower won't fit. The bindweed is too close to one of my clematis vines. I pluck them out by hand there. Good idea, though!

Pixie, go on, what does the article say? Did the killer go to jail?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

No jail time, I beat him the old fashion way. He he he

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Jen, I only planted nasturtium once, a long time ago. So I'm no expert. But I guess they won't grow back and I certainly think you have time to start new ones.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Too funny Pixie!

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Plant more nasturtiums. They will be up in two shakes of a lamb's tail and flowering happily {provided they escape the weedwacker and its plant psycho operator} all summer. They are the loveliest of the no-brainer seeds. Put em in and stand back. I like Alaskas for the variegated foliage. I have started them indoors, but they get a little leggy that way since they grow so fast once they've sprouted. I don't have a big sunny space for seeds indoors.
Good Luck, and don't beat your DH too badly.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Another vote with Gardenmart. We have plenty of growing time left, and the seedlings that got whacked will most likely not grow back.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone for all your advice. I haven't beat him too bad...unlike poor Pixie's hubby. At the time I was so mad if I was holding my pruning shears he would have been in BIG trouble.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Jen - oh don't beat him up. That beautiful baby needs her Daddy!! :-) Give him another chance and then if it does it again let him have - pruning shears and all!! LOL
p.s. Keep him away from the new seedlings.

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