FOX ! in my driveway?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Do not have a pic, it was not here long enough. Opened the front door to work on a car and there was a fox in the driveway. Though I have seen them before, usually early in the morning, on back country roads, this is a first.

I think I scared it away (unintentionally) when I called for the wife (she did get to see it).

It looked hungry and that may explain why we are going through so much cat food.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

The case of the disappearing cat food...Solved!

I wonder if it was a female with kits? That would probably explain her being hungry enough to be out in daylight.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Someone at work suggested it may be rabid (hence the strange behavior).

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

We've had a red fox living in the neighborhood for a couple of years. Usually only see him running across the street every once in a while. But a couple of month ago I looked out my window and he (she?) was sitting on my front porch! Just sniffing the breeze, nothing strange, except it was mid-morning. Haven't seen it again, but I don't have any 'critter' food out except birdseed.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The natural things you happen to see unexpectedly are pretty cool (at least to me).

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Totally! Had a woodchuck that liked to hang out on that same porch. Must be the view LOL!

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

Fox frequently come out in the daytime, especially reds. They are courious animals and yes, they LOVE cat food. When I rehabilitate them, cat food is a major part of their diet.I t's not unusual anymore to see them close to houses, they are not garbage can raiders, but are not above picking up a lost sandwitch here and there. There was one at a school who used to show up on the playground as soon as lunch was over and the kids were back inside. On the Navy base in Rode Island, there was a mother and kits that used to appear at lunch time on the maitenence loading dock. The workers would share their lunches with them.

I wouldn't worry too much about rabies, unless it shows bizarre behavior (like approaching people). Enjoy the show while it lasts. By the way, contrairy to what some people believe, fox do not eat cats like coyotes do. They live primarily on mice,eggs, birds, frogs, bugs and grubs. Usually whatever small comes across their paths. They absolutely LOVE grasshoppers.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

How cool! There are lots of grays here, but I don't see them in the daytime anymore. I miss them!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Got to watch 2 different red foxes during hunting season. They were so fast and sneaky. But what a beautiful animal! The first one came by so close to the tent I held my breath. He went over to the corn looking for mice. They are ok in my book!

Westchester, IL(Zone 5b)

chatnoir - "Must be the view," LOL! You're pretty close to me, I know where Riverside is. Do you know where Westchester is? We've had groundhogs and foxes a few years, too. One time I opened the blinds in my bedroom and a baby groundhog was right there. He froze when he saw me. So cute and fat, lol. Then he got scared and ran away. I left an apple out for him and it was gone in a few hours, lol. My dad and I love the wildlife. We feed them and love watching them. My mom gets really mad cause they eat her plants, so we can't tell her when we've seen something in the yard, lol. Most of the plants in my part of the garden are poisonous, so they leave them alone, hehe. ;P


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Kris - I love the wildlife that shows up, but am not above eating it when it is tasty. Gray squriell makes a fine gravy but i haven't found a good recipe for the fox yet... so i guess it is safe for now. Till I get chickens, then it will have to be dealt with.

Anyone got a fox recipe?

Yea I already know the one involving the wooden plank, will leave that one for the ground hogs.

Westchester, IL(Zone 5b)

Awwww, don't eat em, they want to be your friends!


Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

we had a case of disappearing cat food.....possums and a porkypine

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

yep, I've lost about a case of it also', think it is the fox or the cats themselves dern cats! they act like they need to eat every day.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

my cats like to 'know' that i am putting new food down all the time....i just kinda shake the full plate to make them think i have added new food to their already full plate.....rotten ones:)

Westchester, IL(Zone 5b)


Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Pls put out some food for the fox and also some water. With the drought getting worse here in TN we always make sure all the watering dishes around are full. The animals need the water and also need the food. Humans are taking over their hunting grounds and driving them out. Also I think there are more "rabid" people than there are "rabid" animals. If you don't believe me, just observe their behavior at times.

We have 3 different "settings" at night. At twilight coons show up; later the possums show up and then around mid-night something shows up that I have not been able to see yet. I just make sure food is out at 3 different times. LIZ

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

At our local girl scout camp, they have to get inventive to hide the cookie stash overnight. The racoons break in and open every cooler left over.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I returned from a short trip to the market about an hour ago and the fox was on the front porch at the cat food. It bolted as soon as the car hit the driveway. I put a bowl of water out.

Kinda interesting how much larger the gray foxes are compared to the red ones I've seen (this is a large gray).

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

How intresting. He is a brave one.
I have not seen any gray fox around here yet, although others have. I saw 2 different red fox here during hunting season. The reason I knew they were different were the size. One was pretty small and one was really big. I thought maybe the one was a teenager.
I wonder about this fox's behavior. Once being seen ok, but to come back is strange, with all the food out there in the woods right now. Be careful.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I have gray foxes often, so I don't think the return is unusual. One was up one the birdfeeder a couple nights ago eating the sunnflower seed.

I called for DH to see, and later took out some chicken scraps. Fox brought a friend or mate later, and DH & I were up 'til 3am watching them. It was quite a night for the wildlife. There were nighthawks flying through the light all night, and an occassional bat, too. And my little screech owl was stationed at it's usual post as well.

A pair of foxes showed up the next night, so I believe it was the same two.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

You sure have a good seat to watch the show.
Do you call the window the "fox" channel?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The fox must be really hungry, two lots up there was mowing going on, I'll put extra cat food out tonight and replenish the water bowl.

The only thing I don't like about it is - I would like to have some chickens (someday) and do not think this wildlife party would mix in well.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh I'm sure the fox would love to be in the welcoming party for chickens! lol

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

ya think?

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

cparts, it's sure "windows on the world", lol
I always glance out when I first get up, and recently have seen a hen turkey, and a California quail, as well as the usual visiters.

At night I look for the screech owl, and that's when I first saw the foxes in that part of the place. I knew they were about, as they leave sign everywhere.

Last night the owl flew to the other side, rather than down for a mouse. When I looked below where he'd been perched, there was a big yellow cat.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

When you look at the "world", what do you see? It is often different for different peoples.

Most of them look at the world influenced by their upbringing or the the current media.

The day when I cannot see the world through my own eyes and draw my own conclusions, then I have joined the majority of the populace -

The gray fox is welcome here, I will put out extra food & water for it, but if it destroys the food that I am growing/raising for my family, it will have to go.

Live & let live. But first live for your family. They are what are the most important.

Yesterday, I had three step-sisters and their children here, It was loud and to tell the truth I prefer the fox. but we go w/the flow.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Talked to my next-door neighbor this eve, seems his boys are actively hunting the local foxes. Explains, the late night gunfire here. They are just out of high school this year (graduated w/my stepdaughter last Saturday).

I hope they are not hunting for hunting sake and will at least sell the pelts. Though there are better ways to go about it. Ie a trap does not damage the fur.

I still have the water out, but if any thing gets shot here there will be repercussions or at least a discussion.

Williamsburg, MI(Zone 4b)

I sincerely doubt that the boys are taking fox for pelts. Pelts are no good this time of the year. I don't know about VA, but it is also not legal to hunt them this time of year in MI, nor ethical. Some will still be caring for young.

I completely understand having to kill predators in order to protect your poultry, We had a big male taking free range chickens last year (he never touched the ones in the pen) and finially had to resort to killing it. As a rehabber, I felt pretty bad, but more than made up for it with all the orphaned foxes I have raised.

I would have a real problem with anyone hunting fox at night. It's awfully easy to mistake a household pet in the dark.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We have the reds, but rarely see them. I'm thrilled when I do. I'm glad to know they don't take cats. That leaves the hoot owl, since the coyotes don't seem to come right into town.

DD and SIL have free range chickens. He had to shoot a fox. They caught it heading into the chicken house and sitting in the pasture. Daylight both times. Fox did manage to get one chicken dinner.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I used to live in Dearborn, MI. , then Walled Lake,MI.(we never had four legged foxes there that I can remember).

There were quite a few two legged ones.

There was a farm in up-state, no running water, pretty primitive (this was many,many years ago).

Still thanks for stirring the memory bank.

The boys next door are fairly conscious when they hunt (they have only shot the house once in six years). Pretty good for around here.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

billyporter, I have seen foxes eating together with cats, as well as skunks and raccoons. It's funny to watch sometimes. You can tell if fox is familiar w/ a particular skunk or raccoon that wanders in.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

The live trap is a good idea, but it takes an expert trapper to trap a fox in one. Raccoons, possums etc are easy. Fox, coyotte, bobcat are very difficult to live trap.
It is correct that furs are not taken this time of year. Pelts that are sold are winter furs. The only legal way to shoot a fox this time of year is when it is about to do damage.
We do not have any here causing any problems. So I guess we are lucky that we can just enjoy them.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I enjoy seeing the fox, the boys next door enjoy shooting anything that moves. Long ago I may have had the blood lust, but I am long past that now. I'll keep the cat food and water out.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

DH wanted me to shoot the fox I saw, but he was too cute. If he was a problem I would have taken him out. I like hunting, but not into bloodlust.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

and now the gray cat will not eat unless the white cat is on the porch also.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The fox was back this morning. My wife is really afraid of it though I told her that it is more afraid of her than vice-versa.

I'll try to keep the camera handy from now on.

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes, would love to see a picture of your sly one.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Ha Dyson, only once did a fox frighten me!

I went just outside the fence one night to try out nightshots when I first got a camera with that feature. I was focusing on the briar patch, and the strob like flash was going off. Keep in mind that by now I am totally blind because of the bright flashes, and a little fox made it's yip/bark sound RIGHT BEHIND ME. LOL!!!

Now, it so happened, that little fox and I were friends, (thank goodness!) having had many visits and our own brand of conversation. But never before had I been completely BLIND!

We had even sat just feet apart during daylight hours. I truly love the little foxes, and those few years ago I had plenty of time to make friends w/ them.

Looking forward to photos!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Ms. Fox is rather skid dish & I hope I can get a good shot of her!

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