When is too late to Plant entire yard of landscaping??????

Caldwell, NJ

I live in northern NJ. We have a landscape plan for our entire yard. The contractor was scheduled for early May delivery and installation of the plantings (includes shrubs, trees, grass, plants, etc). His latest excuse is that the wholesale nursery guy doesn't have everything in yet (I think it is that my project is just not a priority). We visited the nursery in mid-April and a lot of stuff wasn't delivered, but that was right after the major storm when deliveries were delayed due to flooding.

It got hot last week and I got to thinking that this cannot be good (since the spring and fall are optimal planting times). This week will be cooler and rainy...... BUT -----

Here is my question -- at what point would you just say forget it for now that the weather is hot and plant in the fall?
Or does it really matter what time of year it is if we have a sprinkler system and the plants are guaranteed for a year and they are transplanted from pots or bags?

If any of you have experience with this, what do I have to worry about?

My yard has been dirt for two months plus now (dust or mud depending on the weather). My son is two and has forgotten that we used to have grass before the yard was re-graded.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm in the process of landscaping my whole yard as well, but I'm doing it myself over the course of a few years, so I typically plant new things all summer long. As soon as one truckload of plants are in the ground, I go back for more. If they are watered regularly the first couple weeks, they do fine. Most nursery plants are sitting out in the hot sun in containers. I figure it can only be an improvement to put them in the ground.

That being said, my yard is not full sun. That might make a difference for some plants.

Caldwell, NJ

Well about half is in the shade and half in the sun. About half that is in the sun is mostly in the shade from about 1 pm on. I just hope that there are no drought issues this summer that prohibit watering plants.

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

If you get afternoon shade, that is good. Nothing can wilt a new plant like the hot afternoon sun. Morning sun isn't as strong. A watering ban could be a problem though. I have a well that never runs dry so I've never had to worry about that.

I'd ask your landscapers. If they offer a 1 year warranty and they are willing to plant an entire landscape in the summer, then they must not be too worried about the risk.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I think that if you keep them watered they should be fine, we're not too far past the frost date for planting here in jersey

Caldwell, NJ

I got promise yesterday of a plant date of at least a week off. Probably not entirely finished by Father's Day though. So I have my fingers crossed!

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