Some of my container Gardens to share today.

Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Just several containers I have made up for the lack of anything else I wanted to do.

Hean & Chicks, container I purchased is Pier 1,

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

This is the 2nd Hens & CHicks

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

3rd container

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Planted a few more in my doll cradle

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Old Chair with container

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Whiskey Barrel

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Very pretty containers. Nice combination of plants too. I especially like that 3rd one. Is that a Thai plant in there I see in the back on the right?

I've been potting up some containers also this morning. Sure beats cleaning house! Muahahahahaha


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes that is a Thai plant that I have many of. I just used things I have around in my gardens to make these up.
WOW, that one you have made is Sharp! I really like the peppers & Grass there. I need to get my hands of some of that.
I have had to do some house work. yuckypoo! Just rather wake up each day & be ouytside working than to do house wrok.
I did manage to make a Gardenia boquet today.

Thumbnail by DoSaye
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Your bouquet is lovely.

I just came in from watering the yard. I should have watered this morning, but chose to plant instead while it was still cooler.

I was really pleased with the grass container. That's my first time to use the fountain grass. I have some ornamental millet that I started from seed. I put that into a container also today, but it was looking a bit puny when I took the photos earlier. Looks much better now that it's had a drink. :-)


Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Shellie & Janet,
I made afew planters up too today.
This one with a lot of purple.

Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

And this one.

Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Do you have any idea what coleus this is? I have some I don't have names for.....Peg

Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

No name for this one either.


Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Peg,

I wish I could help you out on the names. I'm just learning my own. %^} Collecting coleus is a lot of fun. They really bring a lot of pizazz to the container parties. :-)

Have you tried asking for an ID on the coleus forum? The folks there are really great. There is a site called coleusfinder

You can plug in the colors of the leaves, inside and out, shape of leaves, etc. and hopefully you can identify yours. I bookmarked the site when one of the coleus folks shared the link.

Good Luck! Your containers are beautiful!!!


Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks Janet,
I'll try to look them up on Coleusfinder. It really doesn't matter much. I just love the bright colors. I'm sure as I get into coleus I'll be wanting to know all the names etc. But for now I'll just enjoy them for their brightness. You can sure get carried away with the buying, I seem to want everyone I see. I still have all my babies that I grew from seeds to pot up. I'm starting to run out of pots, so there goes more money. But I love spring planting don't You?


Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I have been buying pots like crazy this year. I recently bought some hammered metal paint in bronze, copper and black. I've been painting my hideous sun faded pots and they are looking good enough to last another 20 years! :-) I even painted some of the green hanging baskets copper today. I haven't planted them yet, but they are ready for tomorrow's fun.

That copper pot with the fountain grass is an example. It was faded black plastic.

The plastic planters are so much lighter than the ceramics and terra cottas. I even painted some of my terra cotta pots that a neighbor gave to me when she moved. I have stacks and stacks of ugly black thick plastic pots that are really good size behind my potting area. I was going to toss them out, and then decided to start painting them.

Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

eveyone's containers look beautiful. I like using coleus in my as well. I have several varieties I have gooten at Home Deput & Lowe's they are so easy to root. I just pop a peice in the ground & off the grow.
I need to get some paint to repaint my pots. I get tired of the same old green, white & terracota plastic look. I am liking the copper color. Sounds like it is right up my alley so to speak.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


Just FYI, I can't remember the brand, but they do make the hammered metal paint for plastic. They had it at Sutherlands, but when I went to buy more and was at Lowe's, they didn't have it for plastic.


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Janet

I'm thinking I saw one of your painted plastic pots on a previous thread that painted a copper color and I thought it was really cool looking and I want to try that. Exactly what type of paint is it???? Does it just say metallic paint on the can??????



Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes, I think it's Rustoleum brand. Look for HAMMERED METAL (the color and texture) and then check to see if you can use it on plastic. They Do make it. I bought it a few weeks ago. The last batch I bought, I just happened to be somewhere that didn't have it. I think it looks pretty doggone rich for plastic! HAHAHA

I also used it on some statues that were a big worse for wear (thrift store bargains that had a ding or 2). This fella used to be gold and had much white stuff showing. $2.99 at Goodwill.

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow that statue looks great; I like that color too. I'm going to look for some soon. Thanks!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

That was the copper. There's also bronze, silver, gold and black. It's about $ 5.75, give or take for a can. That was enough to paint 2-3 pots and a few other small things. I'm a "spray painting gal" now that I know about this, giving the objects d'garden art a new lease on life. :-)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

great thread !!!! Love photos of good

Delhi, IA

Aren't they something. You all inspire me!!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Very nice containers everyone!

Peg, this looks like Coleus Saturn.
Post the others on the coleus forum. The second one you posted is difficult to you have a pic of it close up?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Would you post that same vase of gardenias on the cutting flower and arranging thread, please??? It is soo nice!!!

Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you for that info. That statue certainly looks $$$$ mega time. You wouldnt know it was a Goodwill find. A Little paint goes a long way to given a face lift..
I will be off buying my share of paint this week I hope.

Orange Springs, FL(Zone 9a)

I really an liking that obne that is mostly purple!! I boought some Striped Dracaena yesterday to put in some. Thanks for helping me

Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Everyone,
Brinda I will get some more pictures tomorrow up close of that coleus. Shellie I'm glad I helped you shop, sure is nice fo help someone else instead of going out there spending money like crazy myself. But I really want to get to WallyWorld for some of that metal paint. I have loads of old pots to give a facelift to. Janet how about some pictures of some of the pots you've painted. I'm really interested in them. Awhile back I collected all this glass stuff to make birdbaths etc. Needless to say It didn't work so now I have to find something to glue them together. Jack of all trades, master of none thats me.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

OK Peg, you asked for it. I made a collage of the pots that I've painted. I didn't have before photos, so described them. # 3 hadn't been planted yet, but I took a photo of that pot since that used to be a green plastic hanging basket.

I have quite a stash of thick plastic pots that I can paint.

Today, I was at Hobby Lobby and found several pretty colors of paint on the clearance rack for $1.79 each. Blue, Purple and Green. I'm sure I'll be able to find some old pots that will look good in those colors.

Paint is our friend! :-)


edited to add: I paint only what will be seen. No sense in painting the inside or the bottom of the pot, unless it would be something I'd actually hang. I have no place to hang anything, so I just didn't bother painting the bottoms. I paint about 2-3" down inside of the rim of the pot, then fill it up with soil and plant away.

This message was edited Jun 12, 2007 12:01 AM

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Wingate, MD(Zone 7b)

The pictures are great and give me several ideas. I think I like #5 the best. How do you think the copper would work on clay pots? My son brought home 3 sets of bowl like clay pots. Each set contains 3 sizes, lg, med, and small. Thought I'd do copper, dk. grey and lighter grey. Now I know I have to head to Walmart for the paint and a toy for kitty. He scratched my son so now has to stay caged for 10 days, he is definately not a happy camper.

Thumbnail by Chesapeake
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

The paint I used was Rustoleum HAMMERED METAL. They make it both for plastic (has more green color in the label) and for Metal, etc. I liked the metallic colors so bought those. I'm a big fan of copper. :-) I do like the bronze though and think that all of the metallic colors are much richer than "ordinary" colors.

I think the first time I saw this used was on the railing on Connie's pool in 2005. She used hammered gold over the not so pretty cream colored metal rails.

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