Caddy Shack Revisited

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Greetings everyone, hope your weekend was great.
I felt like Bill Murray this weekend. I've known about have a mole under my weeping cherry for awhile. It has become very bold lately, coming out during the day to get the fallen seeds from the bird feeder. I have a whole bunch of bulbs planted so I wasn't about to put up with this furry little thief. I first tried the "Mole Pellets", placing a few in each hole. About an hour later I saw the little bugger actually pushing the pellets out of one of the holes. So much for the mole pellets.
Then I thought I would pour a little full strengh Savin into each of the holes. The mole was using it for tanning lotion, rubbing against it as it contined to feed on the seeds not more then 2 feet away from me.
I went down and got a 4 foot length of 1x3 strapping that I used to support the pole of the bird house when I put it up.
Every time it showed up I took a swipe at it with the stick.
Every time time I swing, I missed.
60 seconds later, out it comes again.
I was so busy trying to bonk the mole I didn't see my wife and next door neighor standing and laughing by the fence.
When I did look over my wife yelled, "can we have a turn at WACK-A-MOLE?"
( Oh Bill Murray I know how you felt)
I finally at my neighors urging got some smoke bombs for the holes. I hope this works, I'm worn out!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Chuck, too funny! (and frustrating) this sounds like one smart mole. I hope the smoke bombs work for you. and thanks for the smile to start my day. Caddy Shack is one of favorite movies.


Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Can't you borrow a Dauschound or Jack Russell to get the mole? Maybe a good mouser (cat) would take on a mole - for a price of course - cats don't work for free you know!

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

Too funny! I have seen just about every animal in our yard since the state forest is right behind us but have yet to see a mole (and hope we don't). We have more than our share of chipmunks, squirrels and a occasional turkey.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Keep the faith Chuck! Like Snoopy with the Red Baron!!

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)


I think that one of your moles made it over to my house.. His stay was a short one only a couple of weeks.. I found it in my garden yesterday after the neighbours cat got ahold of it. Guess I wont rush to dig up that catmint that it loves after-all...

P.S Also saw a garden snake the other day too. Can't believe all the animals that have started visiting my yard since we started gardening.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

mellymass - is that because you are out at ground level more to notice or because you changed the environment and provided a place for them?

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

I have put up little sign at ground level that say.....
No more furry creatures.
Now I have to figure out where they learned to read?

Metrowest, MA(Zone 6a)

YankeeCat, Ya know I am not sure.. We have only been in the house for a year and the prior owners were not into gardening. They had a few daylilies and that was it. I didn't see any last year but I wasn't outdoors nearly as much as I am now.

Chuck, Too funny! I am just hoping that the one I found was not a part of a family. Guess we will see.. Maybe I will send the cat over to scout them out at your place. I am sure he would be more than willing as long as you leave him a few treats..

(Zone 4a)

Too funny! Gosh I hope you get rid of that critter. Good luck to you. Your story was hilarious though - sorry for laughing.

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