Need info on Montana Alba

(Zone 4a)

I bought my mom one of these last year but I honestly thought I had bought her The President. I have no idea how this mix up came about. Anyhow will this clematis become invasive or grow like crazy? I have a feeling she didn't want one of those yikes! Do any of you have one of these and would you mind posting a pic for me if you do....TIA

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn..I am growing some Montana's but not the one you are talking about...I did find this link as I couldn't find it on COTW unless it has a different name
I was under the impression that Montana's only flourish in warmer zones??..What zone are you in...most Montana's can grow to be rather big...some 15-30+ feet...

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Some info and a photo for you....... hope it helps

• Name: montana Alba
• Colour: Creamy-white
• Flower Size: 2"
• Height: Tall (over 10 feet)
• Aspect: Sun or Part Shade
• Prune: Light
• Container: Not suitable for container

Thumbnail by Mr_Crocosmia
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Just as a matter of interest............ the literal meaning of MONTANA is Growing on the Mountains!! That is the Himalayan mountains where its pretty cold.......
They can withstand pretty cold temperatures!!

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