What can I do about leaf hoppers??

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I have sprayed with the 3 in 1 spray for insects, mites and fungicide. Of course I sprayed in the afternoon and we had a heavy heavy down pour about 4am.

They seem worse now than ever. You touch the dahlias, hibiscus, coleus, butterfly bush, just about EVERYTHING I have and out they swarm. I thought at first it was white fly, because I have had those very bad for several years.

These things look like little tiny green 3D triangles/wedges. They are causing the leaves to yellow and may even contribute to the mildew that I have been told I have. I just don't know.

WHAT can I use to get rid of these without resorting to something deadly like malathion which I hate. I don't want to hurt the good things or the humming birds but I want these suckers gone!!!

Thanks for your help.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately many of the things you can do are going to have the potential to harm some beneficials. There are beneficial insects that can you can release to control them, but if you've already got a major infestation it may take quite some time for that on its own to work. You may be better off using some insecticidal soap first to knock down the population a bit, then afterwards bring in some of the beneficial bugs to keep them from coming back. Just don't do it in the reverse order--if you bring in the beneficials first and then you decide to use the spray, you'll kill the good bugs too.

Here are some suggestions:

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