Washed a car, put plants in baskets out, what else?

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

We washed DH's car (at a carwash, so it's legal), have houseplants in baskets out on the deck to get some light, and even put the cushions on the deck furniture, so we've done our part to make it rain. Anybody got any pull with the rain gods? Sheila

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Thankfully, we got a slow soaking rain all afternoon. We had not had any rain in 6 weeks.
I got out in it and hydrated me too..LOL

We had some rain tonight!
In Dunwoody all day, and came home to see some moisture on pavement...and noticed water in rain barrels. Each is about 1/2 full or so.



Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Y'all are so lucky. We got about 144 drops, which evaporated. I counted each one and added a tear or two! Anybody else get rain? S

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Waaaaah, we haven't gotten any yet. Need to send Kenny out to do a dance - he is hilarious when he does it.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Looking at the bright side of the situation, the Japanese Beetles won't have much to munch on this year. If it ain't there it can't be eaten.
We didn't get any.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

we got rain Saturday and Sunday. I was able to collect almost 60 gallons between the house roof,the barn and all the 5 gal. buckets I could set out all over the place. First rain we've had in almost 2 months.

Thomson, GA

It was wonderful....all day Saturday, all night Sat nite and a couple of hours on Sunday, with a few sprinkles last night and today. The detention pond at the end of the road actually has water in it now! I dug a dozen holes yesterday in anticipation of arriving plants and the trip to McCorkles next week, and it was nice and soft, and damp as far as my shovel could go. According to http://www.georgiaweather.net we actually got a little over 2" of rain in the last few days.

Praying for rain for the rest of you folks. Looks like this last front barely missed you.

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