Unknown Iris

Greenwich, OH

This iris has bloomed for me this year. The iris has yellow beards.

Thumbnail by skimper
Kingsley, IA

Can you tell the board what size (height) this is and when did it bloom?

It looks like the ones type of Iris that came from Gr. Grandma's iris beds (gr. grandma being layed to rest in the early 50's at 80 some odd years old). And From her garden I have alot of pre 1900 irises.

Someone mentioned it might by Gay Stripes to me a few years ago but looking at "Gay Stripes'" photo and HIP discription -- the color is way off (Gay Stripes being purple veined heavily on falls).

At a guess... it could be the De Candolle, 1813 "Flavescens"

Note that Flavescens is a 30" historical TB with a sweet scent and blooms early.

If this is what yours and mine is... the height can be dramatically reduced by its living conditions. I got an iris from a historical cemetery and it was the same one I allready had. The cemetery hasnt been cared for for over 30 years... so the iris was short and flower tiny... almost taking on a IB look.

Greenwich, OH

Helllo: iairis ,I beleive this iris is flavescens.I checked the iris and has a fragrance to it.I checked out some sites on the internet and the flavescens photos looks alot like this iris.Thanks!

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