Deer chases Coyote?!

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Hubby just alerted me to a coyote coming from across the street and into the woods next to our house. We've only seen coyote(s?) a few times, and so we both ran to the back windows to see him as he came into view there. He was booking it through the woods and, surprise, was followed by a deer bounding after him, either a doe or an immature male. Coyote and deer disappeared down into a gully, with the deer hot on the coyote's trail. What's up with that? Maybe a fawn hidden nearby? Or is this normal behavior for all deer? Sheila

Probably a fawn hidden near by. Deer will go after coyote around me particularly at this time of year.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the info. We haven't seen any fawns yet this spring and are looking forward to it. Much as I hate to see the deer eating our plants, we do like to watch them and their offspring. Loved seeing the coyote, but hate to think of him feasting on one of the babies.

I don't so much mind the deer eating my plants... I just wish they'd wait until my plants were mature enough to withstand the browsing. There are simply too many deer out there right now.

Moms have a real good knack for hiding their young. I've walked a few feet from them and wouldn't have noticed them if I hadn't almost stepped on them.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Agreed -- they should at least have the courtesy to let the plants get ahead of the game. Sheila

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