What's wrong with my clematis

Pincher Creek, Canada(Zone 3b)

My clematis is 3 years old and has never really grown any bigger then this picture. My problem is the leaves have a yellowish color to them. I did dig around it this year and added new soil and bone meal. So far no results. Help!

Thumbnail by rosepetal24
North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

First of all what is the aspect in which it is growing? Is it facing south? When you say you added new soil how much soil is it growing in as it looks very close to a wall. Clematis like to be planted very deeply and are heavy feeders. Do you know the variety?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Is your clematis staying too wet and not getting enough sun?..yellow leaves can be a sign of either too much water or that it needs some epsom salts to feed the leaves...Jeanne

Pincher Creek, Canada(Zone 3b)

The clematis is planted on the east side of my house and is getting morning sun. We did get lots of rain this past month and I almost think you are right Jeanne. It was the same last year thats why I think it got too much water and that is why I dug up around it to add better soil then the clay type it was planted in originally. I can give it epsom salts. There's not much else I can do right now.

Galanthophile I'm not sure what variety it is and how deep it was planted, although I know I usually plant them pretty deep. Do I need to fertilize it more?

North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Most clematis like yours appreciate sun on their head but shade at their roots so my clematis book recommends mulching the base of the plant (but not the foliage or stems) with well rotted manure or garden compost as it not only feeds the plant but provides cover. You need to leave a gap of about 12cms around the main stems. You can use liquid feed of course and a good one to use is a well balanced general feed. You should feed early in the season but stop when flower buds appear. Some people even advocate putting pieces of broken flagstone (I suppose the same effect could be achieved using stones or gravel) to shade the roots. Good luck!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sounds to me like your clematis is drowning............ you are going to have to get the soil in much better condition so it is far more free draining!!!
If i were you i would take the plant out of the ground at put it in a pot for the rest of the season in well drained compost!!
Then work the clay over and get it in better condition for replanting the clematis next year!
Like Galanthophile said, they love the sun, but the roots need to be cool.......In this country i would shade the roots using pebbles or stones.
But the main thing is get the soil in better condition.............. very free draining!!!


Pincher Creek, Canada(Zone 3b)

Thanks everyone, you're all saying pretty much the same thing. Well drained soil with mulch on top.
I will try the mulch and if that doesn't make it better I'll do as Mr_Crocosmia suggested dig it up and redo it all.

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