Nature's Underwater Gardens

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay....none of you will start this, so I will. (Never exactly been accused of being shy),

John, I expect you to jump in here with your beautiful u/w shots.

Here we have a welcoming anemone, bidding you all to enter the underwater nature show:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

The water was extremely murky, but here are some of Nemo's cousins playing around in the coral.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here we have a lovely Blue Star showing off his glory:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I guess this Banana Nudibranch is pretty rare in other parts of the ocean.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I think this luscious green anemone looks like it has pearls dripping from its tentacles.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

Bashful...nope not so now I'm here and will be supplementing with some additional pics of flora & fauna from our travels and from the Marshall Islands as well....I've grown orchids as a hobby since I was a teenager....dendrobiums do very well phalenopsis needs a little more attention my cattleyas seem to love the island life as much as we do!
Lexyscb=me(my wife's name is Lexy & my nickname is "Cowboy" hence the Lexyscb handle!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Waving you a Big HI / Hello Cowboy .
From One of your cousins Down Under .
And hello to Lexy also .

Cowboy , I am assuming Lexy is your 'Better Half' ? ( I know you said Wife )

We are not shy about posting Pics. of ourselves on this thread .

Great Pics. Shari .

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

YeeeeeeeeHaaaawwwww! He got here! Kell, this here is my good friend Cowboy! Told you about him earlier. You too should get along just like a couple of parrots on the veranda. Cowboy - you be nice to my friend Kell - he's a cross dressin, Ducati riding , mountain hikin, gardenin fool....and he takes great pictures of MEAN looking critters!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

We just got back from a beautiful moonrise/sunset sail that Cowboy arranged for my daughter and I cuz he knew how we loved to sail - he knew cuz I been telling him so for the last week practically non-stop. Tee hee. Lexy is patient with me. See, we all have to watch what we wish for around Cowboy - cuz he thinks he's the genie in the bottle and has to grant all our wishes. Most times he comes pretty darn close too! Lexy is patient with everyone. They make a wonderful pair. Sure hope you enjoy your time here CB!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks for getting this started Shari, I really wasn't sure if there was enough interest in u/w stuff to warrant a new thread but you can't win if you don't play!!!! Anyway, thanks.

Welcome cowboy and lexsy, you kids are fortunate to have such a friend as Shari, and to spend time....Looks like you had a great time with them in Phonpei....I look forward to watching all the new threads!!!

We have a nudibranch here that is not too common either, called the Purple Crowned Sea Goddess. I have seen 2 here in Cayman. This one sitting on a Strawberry Vase sponge was in 115 feet of water....ended up in deco but got the shot....(shot with film a few years ago)


Thumbnail by caribblue
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Finally! Underwater shots!! LOL.

Hi Cowboy and welcome!!!

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

Thanks for all the welcomes and howdy's and how do you do' I've been trying to drop a few pics onto the thread but fighting w/ the local knows what I mean...grrr...I'll try again then must dash off for work...

Pohnpei view looking up the Jungle valley from the falls.....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cowboy, your pics are probably too big. Crop them down to 1600x1200 pixels and they go through better. But then it just might be our local issues,. as you say grrrrrr!

John, waaaaay cool! And can just barely see the brittle star next to it. Great shot!

Hey there Pepper! These time differences play havoc with our social lives, huh?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

Hey Cowboy, glad you could make it! Thanks again for last night, it was a wonderful and relaxing trip!

Thumbnail by Tropicalmajik
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

DH and Cowboy went diving at a place called "Manta Road". Forgive the muddy water - but take a look:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, I'm waiting for some more...I know you've got them. This guy was about 2 ft over JB's head:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Too bad on the viz Shari but I do love Mantas....I had the opportunity to spend 71 minutes at 40 feet with a female named Molly a few years back...what an experience!! Only have a few images of her and will post at a later date...In the mean time, here is one of a Hawksbill Turtle that had just awakened during a night dive...


Thumbnail by caribblue
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I am loving the pics!! Not much in views here right now. That will change in the morning when we have fog.

Here is a foggy pic I took last month.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

per the request to see a pic of me with my "better half" your wish is now fulfilled...Shari...I didn't know I was a "Genie"...LOL

Thumbnail by Lexyscb
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Awwww! Matching outfits, lol

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey Pep - love the foggy rolling hills. Us Aries's must share a love of fog. Wish I had pics of the after effects of an ice storm we had in Colorado a few years ago. Fairy Land!!! Of course the damage that later resulted was NOT pretty, but for a few hours it was glorious.

John, your Hawksbill is a fantastic shot! We get a few of those out here, but mostly Greens. Night dives always are the best for seeing critters!

This guy is smiling at the camera :-)

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

Well...the matching outfits were from our 25th anniversary vow renewal we had here on Kwaj a few years's a pic of us from several years ago in the "long room" at the Village on Pohnpei....

Thumbnail by Lexyscb
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We had an ice storm in 02 and earlier this year. Beautiful to look at but a pain to clean up after and drive in. I put my truck in the ditch countless times this past winter because of the ice. Almost went into the lake at work one day too. Luckily went on the other side of the dam where there was land. It was scary though.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

lol. Hiding from the camera I see.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

CB - what a great pic! Was that down at Coral Sands? Maybe the guy up above was smilin at YOU! Yep, a Genie! You make things happen that others say is impossible. Just love that about you. Glad you got the pic thing figured out.

This one would only pose in profile....I think he must have been keepin one eye on the Cowboy!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

Well....we are in the witness protection program..... (jking)

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands

actually it was taken @ Camp Scott's girlfriend....I'm looking for more pics I already have "sized" to send ....

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

confused here...have a good night all


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pep - Cowboy's comment about the wittness protection program is what we say to people who complain about living out here. Why else would they be in a place they hate so much. Wish they would go so there'd be more room for those of us who LOVE it here!

John, How did you know her name was Molly??? We have a Frankenstein - large silvertip shark oceanside - but we called him that. He never introduced himself.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

John, we got sidetracked as we sometimes do. lol. Don't worry, we will wind our way back to the original topic after we cover everything else. :~)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That shark is close!! And big!! lol

The witness program thing makes sense. lol

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No, no....that wasn't Frankenstein! That was just another Manta. Sorry for the confusion. here are some sharks:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Was kinda hard to tell in that pic.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sorry bout that....I tend to carry on our conversations in my head, and get way ahead of the picture stuff.

John....come back! Is it really bed time there? Sheesh - these time differentials give me indigestion!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program, Nature's underwater gardens....

should this thread include everything underwater???? Fish, mammals, plants, corals, etc.....???? Just want to get it right and not get into any more trouble.....

Cup coral, night feeder.....


Thumbnail by caribblue
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Amazing u/w pictures and a beautiful and happy couple - thanks for sharing your bounty with us!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Friend John. My vote would be that anything you think might be of interest and is underwater would fit into this thread. After all, some of the most beautiful pics involve coral, and anemones, etc., all of which look like plants - but are really animals. So......whereever the muse takes you is perfectly all right with me. Let any dissenters speak now, or forever be forced to look at pics they don't want to see (????? - they don't have to look!!!!).

Thumbnail by Islandshari
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Shari, we don't have those kind of triggers here....what kind is it....I have always been a fan of polka dots!!!! even on fish!!!

I will post one image per day...maybe that will keep the threads curiosity going....probably wont run out of pix to post....been at it a while and still shooting!!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Funny - that's kind of what I was thinking - I would post one a day! Great minds really do think alike! Ha Ha.

This is a Clown Trigger fish - Balistoides Conspicillum - I lost some of the pic when I sized it for here, but he's munching on the tiny critters in the coral. Very territorial, and have been known to attack when nesting. I say have been known....yeah - by me! I was introducing a newbie to the wonders of snorkeling, and one of these guys (actually I believe it was a Picasso) followed us back to shore and bit my ankle. They have VERY sharp teeth. Another one bit through a woman's regulator a few months ago. Of course that one was much larger than the one that bit me. I think I heard it was around 20-25 lbs. Triggers that large are not a common sight out here. We actually have warnings when the triggers are nesting, and don't let the kids go in the water.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

hey everyone...i have given up on saying good because while i type this some of you are having dreams of gigantic blossoms taking over your garden, the neighborhood kids spit out seeds of weeds that no chemical known can destroy, some trying to find the finest ground sumatra beans for the morning rush....etc...sorry, i got there myself just now....anyway, here is my addition for the day, enjoy!!

pair of juvenile spotted absolute favorite!!!!


p.s. Officially Atlantic Hurricane Season!!!! just what we need...another reason to party....!!!!

Thumbnail by caribblue

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