Euonymus fortunei moon shadow

Needham, MA

Does anyone know why the leaves on my Euonymus fortunei are only growing in green instead of with the bright yellow? Soil??

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

The whole thing?? Many times a variegated plant will have individual shoots or leaves which 'revert' back to the plain green form. They should be removed.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

As long as they are growing fine they should get some. My Sunspot - which is the same plant I believe - starts out mostly green and then gets more varigation as the summer goes by. I have mine in light shade.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Needham, MA

Thank you, I do have a Sunspot. All the new growth is coming in green and staying that way, although a few of these stems are yellow. I will cut all the green shoots off. Mine do get plenty of sun until later in the afternoon, I suspect one plant especially must be reverting back to it's green days!

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