Pohnpei - "The Garden Island of Micronesia"

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Of course you can post as many as you want....anyone can! Geesh!!! I only said one for me, because I have to get other things done! Oh my, big misunderstanding there. Please post away!!!! John that is a gorgeous picture. Did you actually see the flash. We don't get many out here because of clouds right on the horizon nearly everyday. I think Cowboy said he had seen 5 in 9 years! I've only seen 2 in my whole life!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I will continue to post pics to drive john crazy. Pics that have nothing to do with all this.

This is part of the walkway leading to the chapel.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Lovely Pepper. Sort of prepares you for chapel with that serene walk through nature's bounty.

This is a picture of my favorite Monkey Pod tree from a distance. This is from the bridge on the other side of the long house. I just love this tree!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nice tree!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

The Mango trees were beautiful too. I don't know how to get the whole tree in a picture....they were huge!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

they say that the best way to view a green flash is through the bottom of a Heineken bottle.....

just a thought....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, your insightful philosophy just inspires me to greater and greater achievements! Perhaps a little Captain Morgan????

Baton Rouge, LA

Hey Shari;
Man you sure seem to be livin the life. I'm so jealous. Have you a room for rent? Seriously through I love the islands and plan on visitng Bora Bora this Jan. Maybe next year Kawajalein will be on my destination list. Thanks for the pictures

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Where's Captain Morgan? I don't get my date with him until after 5pm-lol

John, beautiful sunset pic, and everyone else keep 'em coming. There's not much spectacular to take pics of here---roadside litter, wads of chewing tobacco on the ground, kudzu......anyone up for a visit? lol

Lance, I think you have to get security clearance to go to Kwajalein if I'm not correct, but surely there's somewhere in Micronesia you could land (is there an airport in Palau?)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I tried to get Carol to join us in Pohnpei, and it was super expensive even from Hawaii. Lance - if you are going to Bora Bora - you've just GOT to visit Moorea. It is my absolute favorite of the Tahitian islands. Truly heaven on earth! It is so easy to see why the Bounty crew mutinied there! I would have too, without a doubt. The people there are the warmest, friendliest people I have ever met, and they treat visitors just like family. Never tip....it is considered rude - you wouldn't tip your sister or mother so you shouldn't tip them. That probably holds true on BB as well - unless there are more French there now.

If you wanted to visit Kwajalein you would have to get a sponsor and have your itinerary cleared by the Army, and carry your travel orders with you at all times. You can't even get on the airplane to come out here without showing your travel orders. When a plane stops here on the way to anywhere else - you have to have those orders to get off. Its a military base after all.....kind of a hassel - but worth it to us.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Back on Pohnpei now .....This was the view right off of our balcony....gingers, heliconia, breadfruit, hibiscus and palm trees, but notice that you can't see the unit just below us. Sound traveled well, but if it was quiet it was easy to believe we were the only people there.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2007 10:32 AM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well that was silly - I forgot to add the pic! D'oh!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Beautiful. Thanks for the adventure.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Happy to! That's it for a while I think... If anyone wants to see something in particular, or has any questions, just let me know. Looking forward to other's tropical adventures as well, so get postin!

Thumbnail by Islandshari

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