Bluebirds - do I need to worry?

Williamsburg, VA

I am new to bluebirds. My house went up this spring, and I had one tragedy already--four bluebird eggs were pierced and tossed out of the nest. I assume it was a house sparrow.

I now have a different nesting pair. There are 5 eggs in the nest, and I was so excited! I've been checking the nest daily (wild birds unlimited said it was ok...) For the first 2-3 days after all 5 had been laid, no one was there. This Saturday, the mom was on the nest. She didn't look too upset when I checked, and I closed things up quickly. I checked Sunday and today, and there wasn't anyone on the eggs. Am I just unlucky in my choice of times checking? Don't they need to stay on the nest?

Please tell me this is normal! I felt so bad when the first eggs were destroyed!


Marlton, NJ

It could have been a house sparrow or a House Wren that did the bad deed the first time.

Here is a Sparrow Spooker that you can make yourself or order. You install it only after the first egg is laid and is said to be very effective.

If its a House Wren doing the damage than a different method would have to be used.

Heres a link for the Sparrow Spooker.

Williamsburg, VA

Thanks for the sparrow spooker....

But what about the eggs? Is this current batch all right even though they don't seem to be sitting on them much?

Marlton, NJ

When was the last egg laid?

This message was edited May 28, 2007 3:26 PM

Williamsburg, VA

i think it has been 5-6 days...

Marlton, NJ

I wouldn't worry yet but maybe give them some space and just monitor the situation visually from a distance.

Marlton, NJ

purple, Please be sure to keep us updated.

Williamsburg, VA

I walk by the box to take my kids to the bus stop, and she was in there today. (she flew out when I came back from the bus.) After I wrote this yesterday, I saw her quite a bit. She was on my deck eating the suet balls, and the male was eating from the suet feeder. I guess she doesn't have to be on them that much--who knows, maybe because it's so hot here!

I'm glad to have seen them so much yesterday and today (she was feeding again this morning.) Now I can stop worrying!

Marlton, NJ

Thats great!! When they fledge be sure to post plenty of pics.

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