Florida and Georgia gardeners I need your help.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)


I am trying to collect different variations of the Florida Coontie. I am interested in plants that were either wild collected or grown from seeds harvested in the wild. Futhermore I will need to know the location that the plant came from. Please check the attached link (article written by Tom Broome Cycad Society President) . I have collected several different variations already. I keep them in seperate pots and in seperate areas so as to keep the strain pure to its individual variation. I am attempting to collect and document as many different Variations as I can before the plants are completely destroyed in the wild and the remaining plants are crossed to find the most comercialy successful hybrid. I appreciate any and all help you can give.
Thanks George in San Antonio
member Cycad Society
add one P.S. Coonties are also found in Souther Georgia and I would love to know of plant colonies in that area also

Baton Rouge, LA

I'm not in Florida, but I been there! I just got some of these from my father-in-law in Wewahachee Fla. He has them all over his yard. I thought they were sagos at first but he straightened this dumd coonass out quick. I still have them in a pot right now, hope to put them in the ground soon. I will let you know the results.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

please do. The Coontie i quite hardy. The one you now have would be Zamia integrifolia v Wewahachee. Since I do not have the Wewahachee varient in my files so far a picture of the leaflets for comparison would be helpful. Please ask you father-n-law for some seeds next time he has a female cone. Also check out the link up top to compare your Coontie varient with some of the others out there. Congratulations on a great plant, George in San Antonio, member of the Cycad Society.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

George, I am so glad that Lance could respond to you.....I would hate for anyone to feel abandoned by us Tropicats. Hopefully you can get your seeds.

Lance - good on ya coonguy!

Baton Rouge, LA

Have not spoken to him about the seeds yet when we last talked interest was if the fires were getting to close. They were safe for now but, when we were in Mariana Fla (about 1 hr. away) last week the air was choked full of somke in the early Am and evening hours.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

How awful! Fires....one other thing I DON'T miss about being in the States.

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