iris growers / sellers near Tucson

Dauphin, PA

I've been asked to help someone find a source for iris near Tucson - not necessarily Tucson itself as much as someone who grows iris in a similar climate. She wants to start over and she'd rather purchase acclimated rhizomes. Any suggestions? Contact information would be helpful too; you could Dmail me with that if you prefer not to post it.


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

She should be able to get all sorts of appropriate referrals by contacting the iris clubs and societies in her area. She can find a listing here:

Dauphin, PA

I hadn't thought of that listing, Laurie, thanks.


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

I'm sure the Tuscon iris club in that listing holds a rhizome sale or two during the year. That'd be a great source of acclimated irises for her.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

HI Katie,

Alas, there are no real commercial gardens in the area, but our club will have an iris auction and iris sales in the fall. Here is the web-page with the dates and locations for those upcoming events.

Also, someone can contact myself or a friend of mine in near-by Catalina, Peggi as we both sell our excess irises at very reasonable prices.

I hope this info will help. :-)

Dauphin, PA

Thanks, Margie, I'll pass that along.


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