Ruellia Purple shower

Woodstock, GA

Has anyone had any luck with ruellia? If so, any pictures in mass plantings? It's my fist experience with this lovely plant that's supposedly maintainece free and drought resistant.

It is drought resistant if you have it in good soil like PINS does. I didn't. It was in too much clay so it didn't flower as much as it could, and then it was on a slope so it fell over. Lastly because it was looking for a bit more moisture it began to spread and run EVERYWHERE.
This is my own experience, however I LOVE this plant in other people's gardens. I know several people in the area who grow it very nicely, it behaves and looks so pretty and stands straight. Flowers all summer long.


Cordele, GA

In a light sandy soil the tall form is a thug. I have been digging it out for three years.


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