Desert Rose and Plumeria

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey everyone!

I have a desert rose in a shallow pot and it does great with minimal care, and full sun. Yesterday, I purchased a plumeria (sp?) and a friend is giving me 2 more today. Not sure of the color of the purchased one, but I am wondering if I treat the plumeria the same as the desert rose...meaning minimal care and full sun? Should they be planted or just left in pots for best success...thanks in advance for the help...i know i have come to the right place!!


Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Ok kids....

Wondered about posting a pic of my newly planted plumeria and the above question starting this thread. My friend who gave me this big plumeria pictured below told me that they will have a much better chance of blooming and being much healthier if planted so here is the first one stuck in the ground with your's truly. Please do not take note of the horrific yard behind me....can't wait for the first blooms to come as I have no idea what color it is....thanks for looking....


Thumbnail by caribblue
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nice plant and nice seeing a pic of ya. lol. I haven't tried growing plumerias in pots here yet. Gotta try jasmine first. But I hope it grows AND blooms in that spot for you.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Wow... nice plumeria. Yes, it will be much happier where you planted it instead of in a pot. Pots are usually used for rooting then into the ground if you live in a zone they can survive. You obviously do.... wish I did. All of mine are in pots and have to be brought in if temps drop. Every winter is a game finding room for everything. I would love to see an update when it has grown some and is blooming. You will know it is going to bloom when it has tiny 'broccoli' looking things on its tips.


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks friends!!
I hope they can get "feet" before the first, oh, i mean second named storm of the current Atlantic Hurricane Season kicks off next week.....I have my stakes at the ready, sandbags filled....etc....just hoping to get through another season without a loss and wishing the same thoughts for all that live in the "zone"

The desert rose seems to be happy in her pot, and pushing out blooms regularly but I agree that the plummies will be better in the ground...thanks for the replies....


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I think I need to check out that desert rose. lol. Look what you have done now!!! You're corrupting me!! LOL

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Well, think of it this way.. if a branch breaks off... you have another tree... just root it in hot dry soil and off it will go. In your area, I would bet a cutting just put into the ground would probably grow for you.


... best of luck in storm avoidance.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It probably would grow until September/October.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Hey, pepper... look at his zone... it will grow all year there. Lucky guy!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, it would!!!!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Too right Tammie!

That is exactly how I got my Desert Rose...a branch broke off one of the neighbor's plants and we stuck it in some dirt, watered it once and forgot about it...Presto!! A full, healthy specimen of a Desert rose!!!

Pepper, sorry guys have all done it to me, more than once too!!! LOL....

I should mention that my other two plumerias are planted in with my yellow alamandas...hopefully they can share the space....the yellows are kept low, about 20 inches tall and the plumerias should grow up taller and wont compete for water....we'll see


(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Have you seen a full grown plumeria tree? They really are TREES not small plants by a long shot. You can keep them cut back. They will branch more where they are cut back and cuttings can be rooted for more and for sharing with friends.



West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Yes, my friend who gave me these this morning has a couple almost 8 feet tall....that's where these of mine came from...cuttings from his....he told me that one is a reddish pink variety and the other is white/yellow but have no idea which one is which yet...the bigger one, that is pictured with me above, is a cutting about 2 years old.....cut off and replanted shortly after Hurricane had a nice big root ball and in a very large pot.....should do well in that spot as it gets sun as long as it up...morning, noon, sunset....can't wait to post first bloom images.....


Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

John, nice pic! I have a row of large Plumeria trees in my yard, but they are all the white variety. I wanted more color so I got cuttings of red, pink and yellow from the marina the other day. I start mine in a planter, then in the ground a few months later. It gives the tree a chance to root before the bugs have their way with it.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi Nina, where are you from? I don't know what FM stands for... sure I will have a 'duh' moment when you tell me.


Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

FM or FSM is Federated States of Micronesia. I am in the Marshall Islands. RMI(Republic of the Marshall Islands) are in Micronesia, but are not a part of FSM. I just didn't see the Marshalls listed when I signed up. I looked again on the "your location" page and found the Marshalls so I fixed it.

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands(Zone 11)

no, wait that doesn't look right either... I'll have to ask Mom how she got "Marshall Islands" on her location. Tammie - check Islandshari's posts, she's my mom, she has it the way it should be on her info. We both live on Kwaj with about 1600 other people. My Dad works in Optics, and my husband works in IT. This is my and my parents second tour out here ( I was a teen the first time). Lucky for me my husband and daughter love it here as much as I do!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hello everyone!!!

Hope this finds y'all well...

Nina, if you go to MY INFO at the top, then click preferences, then your location, the drop down box has Marshall Islands as one of the choices. I think you can add your city in there too....hope this is what you're looking for....Enjoy the day...


karachi, Pakistan

As a plumeria fan myself, I 'm wondering how come no mention has been made of their lovely fragrance??.....I know the pure white variety is not fragrant, but the others have a lovely delicate perfume [as far as I know!] yellow and white plumeria is pure pleasure, and yes cuttings root fairly easily... though it is advised to let the sap from the cutting dry before planting....just my penny worth!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Mia you are absolutely correct about the fragrance!!! I am hoping that between the Plumerias and my night blooming jasmine, I can freshen up the entire neighborhood!!!

Thanks for reminding us again about the wonderful scent they have!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hello all your wonderful tropical lovers! And all to all the people who like plants as well! (tee hee). Dearest John....I was soooooo happy to finally see a picture of my island buddy! We will have so much fun when you and Katie come out to dive! Annnnnyhoooo.....yes, to me the scent of the white with yellow centers is heaven in the the house I find it too sweet, but how lovely outside. Just keep in mind when deciding where to plant, that Plumies have shallow - wide spreading roots, so you don't want them too near foundation walls or cisterns - they can cause damage - and the growth will be stunted. Otherwise they do thrive better in the ground than in pots. DR's on the other hand do very well in pots:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
karachi, Pakistan


the creeper quisqualis indica... better known here by its common name 'rangoon creeper'.... is also very fragrant, especially nights when the scent can be quite heady! By the way, as a matter of interest, in my region plumeria is better known as ' frangipani' or the local name 'champa', and the desert rose as 'adenium' this forum I recognised them by the lovely pictures posted my time in daves garden is well-spent indeed - an ongoing education! thank you all for that!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Mia, Yes Plumeria is known here as frangiapani as well. Used in leis and marmars. (Leis are decorative necklaces of flowers draped over the head, and marmars are a like a circlet crown of flowers or shells worn on the head). The scent can often become overpowering when worn so close to the face, but for the first few minutes they are wonderful! What does Champa mean? I'm always curious ....the word for plumeria on one of our islands means "deceiver" they said it was because it is beautiful but gives a headache!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Yes, the scent can be overpowering. We were married in Hawaii and while making arrangements by phone with the minister she asked about flowers. Plumeria, I said. Are you sure? I can get you some really NICE flowers. No, I wanted plumeria. There were six of us in the wedding, all wearing plumeria leis. The guys had to take them off shortly after, but the rest of us ("gurls," Kell) enjoyed them all evening! No headaches.

They are my favorite all time flower - but I have the worst luck growing them, even here in 10b. Lost all four of mine to a sudden freeze in January this year. :-(

It's interesting to hear from people who live with them naturally.


California got hit by a very unexpected freeze and MANY plumeria growers lost their entire collection.
Come to Southwest Florida, I tell them :-) I have about 300 plumeria in various shapes and sizes. All in the ground too.... :-D

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I just love riding down our "Main" street here. There are a lot of Plumeria edging the street, and many orchids as well. When the wind is coming the way it should, the scent is really know you are in the tropics. When the wind is from the east off the ocean side - ugh....big time reef smell. All these smells together are Kwaj, and when people first get off a plane, they know they aren't in Kansas any more, Toto.

karachi, Pakistan

islandshari, 'champa' has no particular meaning, unusually so, as most local names here do have an origin....... leis are very much part of life here too but usually made of deep pink roses, marigolds, or jasmine....depending on the someone returning home after a long absence would virtually disappear under garlands of red roses!!!

the one drawback I find with the white, yellow centred plumeria is the fact that it sheds its leaves in winter becoming almost completely bare.....but then others that remain clothed the year round have no I'm not really complaining!

I love living in the tropics!

Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Last year I received few seeds from a DG member and now have eight little plants . I am waiting anxiously for their blooming.
Here is a photo of seedlings.

Thumbnail by gumlla
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


A layer of compost and mulch will help get your new plant off to a good start. Once plummies get going they don't need attention. At first they can use a little extra water if the weather is dry.

This is not my yard>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

For some reason I just can't imagine a lei with marigolds. They are pretty in the garden, but not known for a pleasant scent. I'll bet red rose leis are beautiful! Patience Kaleem...John, you will both find that the blooms are well worth the wait.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
karachi, Pakistan

.... marigold garlands are used in one of the festive events leading up to a wedding, and really for their gold yellow /orange colouring which is customary for the occasion when the brides hands are decorated with henna are right though, the red rose garlands are simply beautiful and somehow 'mood-enhancing' [ positive vibes maybe??] definitely the most popular..........

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Positive vibes - definately! And how interesting - a wedding - mixed feelings: excitement and trepidation. Marigolds - beautiful color but questionable scent.....maybe a warning that the outside isn't always an indication of the beauty or lack of same within....maybe the duality of beauty and the healing properties of the marigold are to be nurtured in the many possible interpretations. I will never again question marigolds in a lei. Mia, you gave me much food for thought!

karachi, Pakistan

...glad to oblige islandshari! I like your insightful interpretations...they are both philosophical and inspiring...may the newly-weds live happily ever after!...I say let's include the not-so-newly-weds in that prayer fact lets make it all-encompassing !

by the way, can anyone tell me why my posts here bear the word 'edit' ? wondering if I'm going wrong somewhere.....?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

That's easy....only you can edit or change what you have written....they so not show up like that for anyone else. Just ignore it unless you need it.

I agree .... a hearty good wishes to all ...lovers past, present, and future...anyone who has or has had a love of anyone or anything. And to that my occasional closing of Yokwe is quite's literal translation is "love to everyone".


karachi, Pakistan

thanks shari!



Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Mia - I think it would be very very cool if you would start a new thread with pictures of Pakistan....I'm sure lots of us would be interested in seeing your home and hearing bits of your life there! Please???

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I would love to pics of other places.. I really enjoy having a better understanding of how things are in other countries. I have an internet friend who lives in south Africa. She could not understand the concept of WalMart... so, I went to the store and took several dozen pictures from the parking lot to the dairy department. She was amazed at the variety in one store... it was fun.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tammie - there is a Wall Mart (please note the spelling), on Pohnpei. People here on Kwajalein that haven't been there, are constantly talking about going to the Walmart. You should see their faces when they go in....under the sign out front it says "in Partnership with Pohnpei Dept. of Interior" or some such thing, and it is just a small local grocery store with some sundries and clothes in the back. They always look like they are going to cry!!! I think its funny, cuz I figure if you live in almost paradise why do you need a walmart....but they don't think its so funny. Poor them!

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

I think I spend over 90% of my money at WalMart! I just stopped there a few minutes ago on my way home from my mothers to pick up some slug and snail bait. They were all over her flowers when I left her house. It was after 3am and I love it then.. no lines and generally quiet except the employees restocking everything.


karachi, Pakistan

shari, tammie,

thank you for your interest...its a nice thought... I myself have been revelling in your pictures of Pohnpei and others on this site....not sure that I'll manage though...not being all that tech-savvy [though I am getting there, slowly but surely!]....if I succeed you'll know by the new thread! I am certainly encouraged......lets see.........


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