Transplanting Canna

Norristown, PA(Zone 6a)

I transplanted some canna with leaves and after a week, they don't look so good. Leaves have brown edges, don't look healthy.

Should I have cut the plants back when I transplanted them? Should I do it now?

How long before plants grow "normally"?



Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Well I can tell you from my experience that cannas are almost invasive here and are all but impossible to kill. I have cut mine down many times when they have become ratty and new shoots come up within a week or so. I would assume if you have moist soil and they are getting sun you shgould be very safe and they'll rebound nicely. Cannas like warm soil to do well - were yours in pots or did you move them from one garden location to another? They typically flower in June and July here.

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

They need to reestablish their root systems if they were really disturbed. They will come back.. give them some time. If leaves are large when dug out of the ground you will have more wilting than if they were growing in a pot and just taken out of the pot and put in the ground. Moving from pot causes less root distubance than digging them up.


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