Heucheras in zone 9a?

Kerrville, TX(Zone 8a)

This is a very hot zone in the summer along the Gulf Coast and 30 miles inland. Is there a particular one that might grow in my area?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I would post your question in the Texas Forum. I know City_Sylvia lives in Dallas and I'm pretty sure she has some Heuch's. Maybe she or someone in your zone will know better than me due to my zone being so different.

Good Luck,

(Zone 1)

Hi Carol: I live in zone 9a in East Central Florida and I have one Heuchera Plant. It gets very hot and humid here in the summer. We are already having temps in the low 90's and the humidity is creeping up too. I can just imagine what August and September will be like as those are usually our hottest months! This is my first attempt at Heuchera. I bought it in February at Home Depot and it bloomed in March. It still looks great, so I am hoping that it will survive the heat of summer! I did not plant it in the ground, but rather in a hanging basket out on my screened deck. It gets morning and early afternoon sun filtered by the screen, so I think that's why it's still alive! Later in the summer I'm sure I will have to move it to a much shadier location! I will go take a picture and include it in my next post. I'm on my laptop right now and don't have the software downloaded for my pic's so will have to come back and use the desktop machine. Back in a few minutes,


(Zone 1)

Here's a photo of my one and only Heuchera Plant! I have no idea what cultivar it is ... I just love the coloration of the leaves. If this one survives for me, I may have to get more and maybe plant some outside in the ground in a shady area!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Carol, I think you should give one a try and see how it does in your area. I know it gets a lot hotter where you are than it does here, but if you have a very shady area, it might do okay.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Kerrville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks to you both. Really appreciate it.
Your heuchera basket is gorgeous! Thanks so much for posting the pictures. We do have a very similar climate -- as close as you can get being in different states. I haven't even heard the word, heuchera, in my area, so I figured there had to be a reason and that is extreme heat and humidity. Most heucheras seem to be located in the North. (Gee, I am so envious! :) They are beautiful plants.

I see you have a very nice glassed-in-area for all your plant friends.

(Zone 1)

That area is actually not glassed in, but rather my screened pool enclosure and it is perfect for plants! There's also an extension at the other end of the pool enclosure that has a covered wood deck. My plants just love it out there! Here's a photo of part of the area.This is looking from the covered deck out to the pool.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's a shot looking from the far end of the pool back towards the covered deck area. Not a great photo since it's overcast and the roof makes it a bit dark.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I also have a Florida Room (enclosed porch) that attaches to the covered deck and it's a mess right not, but I have a few plants in there also!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

As you can see ... I love plants and have quite a few! I have plants inside the house too! Last year I got interested in African Violets again and have three plant stands inside with them! But, I have a few regular house plants inside the house too.

Carol .... if you D-Mail me your address I will gladly send you a rooted piece of that Heuchera so you can try it! I have a trade package going out next Monday, so I would be happy to mail you a bit of it! With me, it's always Trial & Error. Sometimes things survive and sometimes they dont' ... but I enjoy them while they are alive anyway!

Kerrville, TX(Zone 8a)

Very lovely pool and screened-in area. Your heuchera and other plants are loving it! Thanks so much for your offer, but it may require more attention than I would be able to give. But, I won't forget and one day may decide to give it an attempt.

My son just finished his river house, and I was totally shocked when I saw all the plants he had bought. I am so happy to learn that he has inherited my love for plants. And, everything he sticks in the ground seems to grow. He will be interested in seeing the picture of your pool. Thanks for those pics.

(Zone 1)

Carol, you are quite welcome. Hope you will post some pic's of your son's garden and lovely plants when he gets it finished! I bet it is pretty! That is wonderful that your son inherited your love for plants! My parents and Grandparents didn't have any interest in gardening. I think my interest really took off from being around my Dear Mother In Law. She was an avid gardener even at the age of 90, would take her riding mower and after finishing her acre property, would ride two doors down and mow her friends lawn (the neighbor was only in her 60's but didn't have a mower)! My MIL lived to be 97 and was a real inspiration to me!

Kerrville, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, if the bug of gardening is in your ear, it will eventually come out. :) :)
My mother enjoys looking at the flowers, etc. but never really picked up a shovel. I lived with my grandmother for several years as a child, and I can remember so vividly her neat little plants all in a row, and I was about 5 years old. She would water her plants every evening and can still remember that sweet smell of peppermint as it was whisked with the gardening hose. My son doesn't have a definitive garden yet, but he has planted the shrub and intermingled those with some color. Also, bought seven 15 gallon crape myrtles for a divider between his house and the boat dock. I will post some pictures at some point. Would this thread be o.k. or better suited somewhere else? Gee, 90 years -- that definitely should give me a swift kick to get moving! Gardening in our area is difficult because of the gumbo. Raised beds are a requirement here, and I have lost many plants trying to have success. So, I have decided to plant more natives.

(Zone 1)

Oh, I look forward to seeing the photo's of your son's gardens! Wow! 7 Crape Myrtles?! Those will be so Beautiful when they are blooming! I have a large Crape in my front yard, a large one in the side yard and a small one (a rooted cutting of one of the larger ones) in my backyard! That will be a nice divider between his house and the boat dock! I bet his property is going to be lovely when he is finished!

This thread would be fine for posting your photo's. Or you could begin a new thread on the Beginner Landscaping Forum to have a new thread showing your son's landscaping efforts! That way a lot more people will see it! I will keep watching cause I would love to see the yard once he is finished.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I think that Heuchera you have is Amythst Mist. They sell them frequently at the HD and such in baskets. I had one too, planted it in the ground in my shade garden. Not sure if it's coming out of dormancy or not.

However, I have several hybrids planted in the ground in my screened orchid house and they are doing well. They get watered along with my orchids and EE's every couple days.

I am in zone 8b, but the question doesn't address cold hardiness, but heat. Our temps have been up in the mid 90's and the ones alive are doing well.

So, yes, you can grow them in the heat and humidity. I could list some names for you for ones that do better than others, later today when it's light out and I am home from work, if you like.


(Zone 1)

Molly, Thanks for the ID on the only Heuchera I have and Yes, I would like to know the names of others that will do better than others! Will watch for your post!

Thanks so much,


Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi,, Dolce Licorice has been great here and we have been in a drought..

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