is any one familiar with biosol

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I picked up a 55 lb bag and spread it around the yard. There are only short little articles for the most of what I could find on line. I just heard somewhere that it was good so thought I would give it a shot/

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Go to this website and you will find out everything you ever wanted to know about Biosol!
I buy my Biosol from them because I know of no other place to get it in the East. I originally went to this site to buy the Biovam but wound up getting that, the Biosol and the Planter II plus the tea brewing kit. I have to admit that it all seems to work pretty well as I see a big difference this year in my asparagus and clematis which clearly needed some kind of feeding to bring them back! My asparagus was really getting weaker over the last two years and not producing well at all. This year they are much stronger. I also notice that many plants I am transplanting this year are filled with nodes on their roots from the Biovam. If you ever call this place and ask about the Biosol or using any of these products you will learn a lot! Good luck. Jessica

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

oh thanks Jessica...... I really want to start using only organics. I show my roses and I would like to stop giving them chem fertilizers. I feel like I am just waisting my compost and worm castings by using them.

I think I am going to pick up the worm tea and use that too. I hope to see an increase in benificials, we have no lady bugs this year so far, and this is the second year I have not used insecticide....... I do have tons of worms now...


Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I, too, much prefer the organic approach. If you call and talk to Thomas at T&J he will tell you how to combine his products to get really strong roses that will resist disease! I think he has a section devoted to roses. I remember him telling me how he can practically see the earthworms pulling the grass clippings into the earth after he sprays his plants with his tea! Since the tea includes yucca extract, which is sweet, they are probably just "worming" out (as opposed to "pigging" out! In any event the tea attracts earthworms.
Biovam will also make a big difference in your plant health.
I also use wormcastings when I plant veggies. I sprinkle it in the rows for the lettuce seed. I think it makes a difference. Did you buy the Biosol from a garden center or did you mail order it? I ordered 55 lbs last year but paid a fortune to have it sent. It was worth it. Jessica

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