Bean problem

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

My beans are just emerging, and they look all deformed. The first leaves are brown and twisted, and they look diseased. I've grown beans before and they never emerged looking like this. Does anyone know what could be the problem, and if there is anything I can do about it? Here's a picture:

Thumbnail by rebecca101
Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Rebecca

I have had the exact same problem on my climbing french beans. What I have had to do is plant several beans in the hole and thin to one or two finally leaving one really good plant to climb the pole. I also had some headless (!) ones emerging from the soil. Guess some insect had a nibble under ground Hmmmmm!

Don't know what causes the twisted growth but somebody here will know.


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks like they just had a hard time sprouting! When you plant them, cover them with damp soil then keep them covered with grass clipping until they sprout (5 or 6 days), then remove the grass. I got about 90% germination this year doing it that way. ☺

I had the same problem last year with my pole beans. This year I sprinkled them with powdered Sevin before I covered them, worked great!


Thumbnail by Big_Red
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Here's a shot with them covered before they sprouted. Keeps them from drying out.


Thumbnail by Big_Red
Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

Yes, I do have very heavy soil so maybe that's the problem. Germination so far has been poor. I'll try the grass clipping thing in the future... Thanks!

Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the advice Red I think the heavy soil is my problem too - they have to really push to get their heads out of the hard soil.

I have never heard of Sevin could you let me know what the active compound is as I live in Spain and would have to search it out under a different name. Thanks. Lizzy

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Lizzy..."Sevin" is a brand name for Carbaryl insecticide.

Big Red, your ground/soil looks well-worked! Beautiful! Didja get a tiller to go behind your tractor to break it up so nice and evenly?

Wish I could find some bean poles as tall has yours...that is gonna be some kind of bean harvest! Can't wait till your pics of them fully growing!


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Shoe!

Yup, I got a six foot tiller for my tractor and it works great especially in my rock less soil. I planted my rows 8 feet apart so I can get between the rows and till. I still have my Troybilt tiller but this is much easier in this hot weather to keep down the weeds.

Course I don't have as big a garden as usual but it also gives me more time for fishing. ☺


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Great! I love my tractor tiller! (Does in a couple minutes what it would take my troybilt an hour to do!) (Then again, I still love the Troybilt cus it does things the tractor won't! Couldn't stand being w/out either of them!)

As for that fishing....heck, Ya gotta have fish to go along with all those fine veggies!! And the fish "remains" will only add good things to your compost/soil! You got it made on land and water!


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Got a mess of Bluegills (50) on Saturday, had some of them last night. YUMM!! I have to be careful where I put the remains in my garden, the fox, coyotes and buzzards will dig them up and everything around them. I know of what I speak! ☺


Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Thank you Shoe!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

50 bluegills...I'm so jealous! Maybe this week I can do some pond fishing where my garden north of town is and try to catch up to ya, Red!

You're welcome, Lizzy. Hope you can find some Sevin over your way.

And now, I just came home with 4 cattle panels in the trailer so off to set them out and let some tomatoes enjoy their company.

Happy Day to all!


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