
Casa Grande, AZ(Zone 9b)

What kind of insectiside can I use in my greenhouse to get rid of spiders?
Can I use soap and water?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I might leave them alone--they won't hurt your plants and they'll eat some of the bugs that would.

Fulton, MO


Tucson, AZ

i leave them alone, too.

Richmond, VA

Leave the spiders alone. They are after crickets, gnats, aphids, and all the other insects that chew plants. To me, spiders in the greenhouse are a sign that there are pests that need to be eliminated. Just think of the spiders as nature's terminators. That's their job.

Tucson, AZ

black widows go bye-bye!

Richmond, VA

yeah, the widows go, and fast like. Don't trust them.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree, the widows have to go, but any other spiders I leave alone, figure they do much more good than harm

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

If I see a black widow, I'll kill it-they are the easiest to kill, in that for the first try-they just sit there, but if you miss, then they run. But really, in all the years that I have had grhouses, I have had black widows in them and no one has ever been bit. They usually stay out of sight during the day, when we are in there. Their webs are very easy to identify-they are very disorganized and strong-when you run your finger through the web, it doesn't give. The only people that really have any problems from a blackwidow bite are those that are allergic to bee stings. I called a bug man at the university a long time ago when we first started to notice them and the girls that worked for me started to wig out, and he told me that. Now, when I hire someone I ask them if they are allergic to bees. I did have one girl that loved going on a black widow hunt! She saw a web, and that was it for her until she found it! lol

Medford, NJ

Wait a minute, I thought black widow bites were extremely painful, bad enough to send one to the hospital and that the recovery could long....

Tucson, AZ

they are...

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

they aren't-I got bit by one that was on the gas tanks by the house once. It felt like a beesting and it itched for a few days. As i said above-the only people that have bad reactions (not fatal by any means) are people that are allergic to beestings. I have been stung by wasps before and they hurt a lot more, and leave a red mark and swelling.

Brown recluse spiders are the ones that are dangerous-in that you do have to go to the hospital and where the spider bites you, your flesh rots (not sure of the correct term) and leaves a hole

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I got bit by a black widow and it made a red, swollen knot on the back of my calf for a few months. It hurt, but not as bad a bee sting. It was actually kind of my fault - I crawled under someone's house looking for feral kittens while I was wearing shorts. If I had had long pants on I probably wouldn't have gotten bitten.

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