Projects are slowly getting done :o)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello, just wanted to share a couple photos of what I have been up to. The first pic is a work in progress, don't know if it will ever get completely done, but at least its a start lol. At one end I have my daylily babies, I really look forward to next year to see all the blooms :o) at the other end I have my maters and okra and a few other veggies, I won't be planting veggies in there next year.


Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

This is a pic of the bed dh & I did by the privacy fence and what has taken alot of time and sweat to complete, we had to build the ground up cause it held a lot of water, took 84 bags of top soil but we gotter done :o) On the back side of the lattice area we used dirt from the main garden bed to build it up. Still not done building it up tho. Once we are DH is going to put some yellow irises along there and the yellow dl's in front of them. I have got a few plants started in there and clematises planted to grow up the lattice. That is going to take some time getting all the plants I want in there but it is coming together.

The very last pic in the lower right corner where my lilac bush is, I am going to plant some columbine and some poppies around it. dh has to till it one more time before I can plant in there.

I hope you enjoyed the pics :o)


Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

All I can say is what work!!!!!! But it certainly will be rewarding when all those beds are in bloom. It looks very nice.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks, it was and is hard work, but I have enjoyed every minute of it lol and I still have so much more to do. got alot of lilies to get planted out in the main bed next week, got rain here today so come Tuesday will be working back out there (if no rain in sight)

Once I get the bed around the lilac bush done, then I will start to redo the ones around the house. got alot of clean out to do :( That I am not looking forward too rofl. But will deffinately enjoy it when it is done.

Will be at this more than likely all summer.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

WOW, everything looks great. What a lot of work you've been doing. Love the fence!! You may need to find someone who needs their perennials divided and do the work for the extra plants. hint hint. Ha ha ha

Are you putting down landscape fabric and mulch?


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Loon, along the fence I put news papers down, and then the top soil and mulch, and alot of preen lol.

Not sure how I will do the one around the Lilac bush yet, haven't made up my mind. will tackle it next week.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

That sounds like a plan. At least your projects require imagination and are interesting. Right now I'm about dead. Hubby and I have been cleaning out the pole barn for three days and aren't done yet!!! OMG, do we have the junk and dirt and dust. We have a burn pile going and have been burning lots of stuff and giving stuff away like crazy. I want it clean from the clutter and usable again. Getting all my son's plumbing junk out has been the biggest project. He was supposed to move it out ages ago now that he has a new pole barn but it wasn't getting done so I decided to "help" him along. :) :) :) He sure will have a lot of work unloading the big flatbed trailer we've got loaded down to the max. Ha ha ha!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Good for you!!! ROFL Kids always always love to say, I'll get it done, I will, I promise :) Next thing ya know, your doing it. Moms have a way a bout them in getting things done. ;-) But when moms get done doing the job, then the kids wish they would have done it lol Take a camera with you when you go to drop his stuff off and get a pic of the look on his face roflmbo Bet he says something along the lines of, I was coming to get it... :)

My dh hubby just got thru making room for his new John Deer (IN MY GARGAE) Like there isn't enough junk in there to start off with... Him and his TOYS, He has 3 riders now and his brother is giving him an antique one. He loves to tinker...

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

wow pesidrinker you have been very busy. But like Loon said it will be worth all of the back breaking efforts when you get the first blossoms huh? Im envious of the room you have in your yard. We have a pretty small place but we think it looks nice. How many daylilies plants did or are you going to purchase? They must be the fav huh? lol. The other day when my daughter and I were going some where we ended up getting lost and we pasted a daylily farm. They were not in blossom yet but it would be fun to go when it was I probably wouldnt be able to find it again if you paid me but oh well.Have fun and enjoy post a photo when they blossom if you can pull your self from all of the beauty. Have a great weekend. And holiday Ronna

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Ronna, The DLs were started by seed that Dori sent me and another garden member and some of them didn't make it. but I dumped the pots that had the seeds in them out there *just in case* :) So I probably won't have blooms from them this year. I did get a few seeds from the swaps I did and hope they all surprise me next year. The main bed is going to take time getting done, I planted some veggies out there that won't be there next year so I will still have plenty of room in it to plant more :o) I still need to make my path through it too. The Winter Sowing didn't go well this year, started out ok but then the very last cold spell we had, got most of everything. I am slowly getting the ones that did survive planted, here and there. I still have to make the labels for all of them yet, boy is there an end in sight rofl. Rained here on and off all day yesterday and I was glad. all those babies needed it. I did buy a few plants last week, should have heard dh... These were some of the things that I didn't have or didn't make it (in WSing) Still waiting to see if any of my cleomes are going to make it. I had plenty of seeds from the ones I grew last year and I have them scattered every where in the back area lol. I am going to have to buy some Jacobs Ladder & the obedient plants, none of mine I started from seed made it, and I had several different colors of each :( Even the two Jacobs Ladder I planted from plants didn't come back this year.
I have got to get some grub killer to put out in the main bed, its full and the moles are out grrrrr... Will probably get that next week, I am also having a problem with crawdads, no clue how to get rid of those.

Well you all have a blessed weekend and Holiday, we have a church picnic tomorro and I am really looking forward to it. At least my back is better this weekend and I get to go to church today, didn't make it last Sunday, Back was giving me big problems last week end. Hubby doesn't like it when I miss so when it came time to spread the rest of that top soil he put all the bags around the area for me. Ahhhh was so much easier with his help. TEAM work is great. :o)

One of the members from our church came over yesterday, and brought her 4 girls and her 4 neices and nephews she has custody of, You should have heard them :) WOW you have been very busy since the last time we were here Ms Connie. (thats what they call me) and OHHHH look at all those flowers, they loved the little green GH. Then YOU got to plant all those yet lol It was great having them here. They are 2, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11. The 3 oldest are in my SS Class. And all are a handful but what a great blessing they all are. The 2 year old, her name is Lily and she let me hold her for the very first time yesterday :) I was tickled to death. I showed her all the DL's and Lilies and she thought that was something else, that there were flowers called like her name. :o)

Well I need to finish up my lesson for today and get ready for church. We leave at 9 so thought I'd jump on here for a few before I got started for the day.


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

hey connie thanks for the nice note its always nice to hear from you. I also have a coulpe of jacobs laddersthat didnt come back this year I went and purchased some already. I really like them so much they are a good partial sun plant. All of the daylilies that I planted are doing very well. I have some orange one if you want but im sure you know they really spread!!!! Every year i have to thin them out. Sunday also started out very rainy around here. It poured for a good couple of hours or so... Sat same thing. But we did need it. Have a great weekend. Talk to you later. Ronna

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

I thought you would like to know that Jacob's Ladder is considered a short lived perennial. If you want them to live longer you have to divide them often and move the divisions to fresh soil. They can self sow abundantly if in the right soil. I have read that cats really like this plant and often will roll in it damaging the plant. They are attracted to the smell of the plant.

Algonac, MI

AH!, back already feels much better seeing the amount of garden space you are undertaking. My little 46' X 35' plot suddenly seems too small to complain.
As they say in Chinese, "Rotsaruk" in your endeavors.
Being from the South (Naw'lins) I am learning a lot about cold weather gardening. I'm use to planting veggies alomst any time of the year since we have 3 growing seasons in my home area. Of course, I have never tried to grow any thing more than toms or a few flowers because my business took too much time from my daily ?relax? time, of which, I find gardening to be. A little expensive, too!
The most time consuming planting my wife and me have done are tulips last fall; about 125-150. We STILL have tulpis blooming and a few other bulbs starting to bloom. The tulips are simply beautiful.
Come this fall, we plan to plant another 100 or so of different colors and varieties.
We made our flower beds seperate from [my] veggie garden, but even in combination, your endeavor is somewhat larger than ours.
We have 6 y.o. triplet great neice girls which are looking forward to "Uncle Lowell" to start a small garden for them next week. SOoooo... if one applies the distance from our house to theirs (35-40 miles), this aaplication would make my garden much larger than yours :->. Now I've done it! My back is back to hurtin'.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

rofl @ lostindian,
Wasn't going to plant any veggies this year but seeing how some sent me seeds for all kinds of different maters and OKRA :o) just had to lol. I had only planned on planting a couple maters in some big ole buckets/pails dh has, but had to many maters for that. My neighbor puts in a hugh hugh garden and tells us to help ourselfs, so next year maybe, but this year I am set. I do have some loose leaf lettuce I am going to sow but not this week. To many things happening this week, got lots more plants to get in the ground and in pots :o) And to top it off I still have ferns and hostas coming, no clue where there gonna go (yet)

Loon, I bought my 2 Dwarf Jacobs Ladder last year and was looking forward to seeing them again this year, the ones my cousin has, has come back for quite a few years now, I don't know if the neighborhood cats got into them or what happened but they were fine (still standing) last year. But Deann told me to put moth balls around my beds and the cats will stay away, don't like the smell ;-) Gonna give that a try.

Hope you all have a great day,


Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

i didnt know that about the ladders either. Connie how is the gardening going? You must be pooped,pooped!!!! It was pretty warm around here today dont know about "up" there but you had better drank plenty of water. Lostindian is it hard to get used to the winters around here? I would have a hard time in the warmer climates. You sure did plant lots of tulips. Wow. I bet it was and sounds like still is beautiful. Mine are all done now. All we have left is the yellow foliage. Oh well more to come next spring I try to plant a different kind every fall. Well have a great evening Ronna

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