New here. Hi!

Queensbury, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone. I thought it best to introduce myself. My name is Dana. I am a beginner gardener in Upstate NY. Queensbury for anyone in the area. I've been lurking around for a couple of days and I really like it here. I have gotten some great information so far.
I am mostly interested in perennials and vegetables. This is my second year doing my perennial gardens and my first doing a vegetable.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome Dana! I'm glad you joined our wonderful forum and you will be too!! There is a wealth of info here and a great bunch of nuts who frequent here also. Some of them (no names) are really nuts and you need to take them w/a grain of salt. I'm not one of them. LOL Just kidding, this is the best bunch of positive DG's that you will meet. We have a lot of laughs and they are generous beyond compare! If you have any questions, don't be shy just ask away.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hi Dana! Don't let our goofiness (really it's just Victor & Al ;) get in the way of your finding out what you need to know.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Hey! I'm goofy too - remember my cat has his own blog? Ya gotta admit that is pretty darn goofy! Welcome LemonMint from me and Holly and the literary feline, Wallingford.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Welcome Dana. I felt someone lurking lately. Congrats on your gardening projects. Since this is your veggie premier year, what are you growing? Are you growing in the ground or in raised beds? I'm a firm believer in raised beds for veggies. (I also believe in firm mattresses on beds). Raised beds give you more control over the soil, drainage, weeds, etc. They also heat up faster in the Spring - especially if they are really raised like mine - 30 inches high. Number one rule on this Forum and in gardening - HAVE FUN! And remember the garden is for you and no one else. Good luck!


Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I can't get in the way? Then what good am I ;)

Hi Dana - welcome,

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Having recently returned from Disney, I guess my Goofiness is still evident??

Al, is there a 'single' type Dahlia that is hardy in 6B? Am I asking too much?? Are there any Dahlias hardy here?? Gracias.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

No way Joe Zay. Yes you could get lucky with local site conditions like southern spot along the house, but don't count on it every year. The funny thing about people not wanting to store the tubers is even if you can leave them in the ground they still need to be dug up and divided every 2-3 years or they will get lazy with their flowering.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes but that's a lot easier. It's like dividing Daylilies, etc.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Daylilies are easier to divide, for me. I just use a thrift store knife (I have a large collection but at 25 cents each, why not?) and slice right through the daylily. With the dahlias there's the lifting, not injuring tubers, cleaning and then separating and all while you can be freezing your buns off.

OK - your turn Victor, Dave or Al .......I'll wait for your comments.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome LemonMint! I know someone who lives in Queensbury. Courthouse Estates.

Post some photos so we can see your vegetables, please.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

If you insist......well ...I've never had to deadhead dahlias with a miner's helmet.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I try to behave, Al, and not scare the neighbors but sometimes it's fun.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi, LemonMint. Welcome!! Glad you like it here. It's addictive, you know. I used to have a big veggie garden, but I grow them in big self-watering containers now. yes, please tell us what veggies you are growing. and post pictures if you can, of your progress. we LOVE pictures. what's your favorite perennial so far? I really just started seriously with perennials 2 years ago. and I'm putting in a new perennial bed this year, so I'll be learning a lot of new things.

ask questions and have fun!

jan (aka gram)

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Welcome LemonMint to the Northeast Forum. I'm Eleanor from Glens Falls - "Land - of -the - new - round - a - bout"!! (Inside joke guys and sorry my name really isn't phoeb, but I am a grammy) I taught music in Queensbury Elementary School for 30+ years and retired 3 years ago. It is great to have a next door neighbor in the forum. A warning about this group - DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING THEY SAY UNLESS IT'S ABOUT GARDENING AND DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT GARDENING!! When it comes to gardening they're the best but everything else they're ....goofy!! Me, I'm the only normal one in the group? JK (Just Kidding)
Eleanor or better known as "grammyphoeb"

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Or maybe grammyfib!!

Pirl, visions of Norman Bates, or maybe Lizzie Borden - come here you little Dahlia!!!

I knew someone is Queensbury named Marcus. Anyone know him?? He rules!!!!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I laughed out loud.

Hey, I think we mentioned Norman Bates twice in 2 different threads on one day in one forum! I think a little duck will drop down and give us $50.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

We said the secret 'woid'!! Time for me to go. Good night Gracie - uh, I mean Dave! See you manana. Have a great weekend!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

You too.

Queensbury, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Victor, I am doing veggies in the ground. I have my mother-in-law helping me out and she's been doing veggies for many years now. I hope all will go well.

I have:
radishes (they are coming up quite nicely), carrots, bush beans, peas, zucchini, yellow squash, cukes, pumpkins, watermelon, brussel sprouts (I've been told they prob. won't do much), tomatoes (I grew them last year with much success), peppers and I cut a potato in half and threw it in the ground.
I also started an herb garden of rosemary, parsley, chives, and thyme.

Any suggestions? I will post pictures as soon as I can.

Pirl - Courthouse Estates? I have never heard of them. Weird.

Eleanor - I am quietly freaking out wondering if you were my music teacher. My husband and I both went to Queensbury.

Jan - I think my favorites perennials would have to be coneflower and beebalm due to ease of growing. I have a huge mish mash of stuff and I should post some pictures so you guys can all mock me. I am constantly going out and buying plants. It's becoming a sickness.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

LemonMint - probably was your music teacher. Does the photo help? I think Courthouse Estates are up behind the municiple center off of the road that goes to Glen Lake from route 9. (I think it's even called Glen Lake Road )
So glad to have you with us and don't worry they will not mock you about your gardening efforts. You'll get nothing but help and support and advice. On the other hand, you could be harrassed if you have a sense of humor by the stand - up comedians in the group. You'll find out who they are very soon!!! I was harrassed cause I didn't know a forum from a thread and didn't understand the abbreviations but it created some fun during the winter-spring storms when there was nothing else to do!!

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Queensbury, NY(Zone 5a)

Yes, I think you were my music teacher. Did you teach chorus as well?
I don't mind being harrassed. Luckily I keep my sense of humor holstered at all times so I am prepared. I can roll with the punches.
I am also a member at a parenting forum so I can at least navigate around without too much of a problem.
I am looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts and opinions as soon as I can get my pictures up.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow, I hope my parole officer doesn't join DG.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

What a coincidence.
I just discovered a forgotten pot of Lemon Mint that I had buried in the ground over the winter in hopes of it surviving (it did) and now you pop up this spring as well. Hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do.

Don S.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Lemon Mint? I don't have lemon mint. I need lemon mint! I will trade for ginger mint or chocolate mint.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

victor - maybe your PO is L_S and he's watching every move you make!! Maybe he looks something like this? (I'm glad I kept all of those goofy photos - I knew they would come in handy someday)

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

And if you don't behave, victor, you could end up back in the slammer like poor Colin :-(

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Just kidding, he was really under the coffee table!

p.s. I'll do anything to post photos of my grandson!

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Colin's a cutie grammy. You must lots of fun with him.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Colin sure is cute! And you found a former student on DG! Cool.
Lemon, don't worry. Everyone here is very easy going. Welcome aboard.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

In fact we have quite a few lemons already. I think we're spreading Lemon Disease.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Guess we should set up a Lemon Aid concert then - anyone have Cheryl Crow's home number?

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Very good Cat! Everyone can bring his / her one square in case nature calls.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Come to think of it, I just bought some lemon mint for my new herb garden :0)

Well, Dana, your veggie garden sounds pretty ambitious. good for you! I have some baby pak choi and mini carrots in a raised container. I mostly 'play' with veggies. I do tomatoes every year in my big self-watering containers (like an earth box). last year I had sweet peppers. this year I'm doing bush cucumbers and cantelope instead. and some grape tomatoes.

Yank, maybe the 'evil kitty' can advertise for Lemon Aid on his blog. I'm sure Wallingford has a lot of fans.

Thumbnail by grampapa

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