First Broccoli

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Just picked this one today. My broccoli is a little late this year because of the unseasonal late frost we had. I lost 7 out of twelve plants to the frost. Four more will be ready soon.

Thumbnail by Big_Red
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

The late freeze did not faze mine and they are even handling the drought pretty well. This is Everest, been cutting for about two weeks. One good thing about it is that it doesn't head up all at one time.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks good Farmer!

I have much better luck with my fall broccoli than I do with those planted in the spring.

My cabbage faired much better than the broccoli, didn't lose any but it did get set back a little.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts are such yummy veggies. But here in western Oregon we really have to fight worms in these cole crops. Do you have to spray your or treat your ground to bring these to harvest.

Farmerdill and Big Red do you try brussel sprouts?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Don't know about Red, but I use Bt. Could not grow brassicas otherwise. Have not had any luck with Brussels Sprout here. Use to grow them in Virginia. So hot here in the summer, can't grow them in the spring and they have such a long season, I can't start them early enough in the fall.
Red , did I miss the cabbage pictures in Plantfiles? These little Point Ones did pretty well.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Same here Farmer, just can't grow them here in the spring without spraying. It's not usually a problem with those planted in the fall but in the spring cabbage worms are a menace!!

Farmer, I haven't posted any pictures of my cabbage because I posted some of this variety last year. Didn't think I should post repeat pictures.

Lenjo, I've never tried brussel sprouts here but my wife has been after me to try them. Maybe next year. ☺

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Here in the Willamette Valley there are fields of broccoli and cauliflower. Cauliflower is never planted till mid July and harvested after the fall has brought cooler weather like October and November. They have even developed varieties that the leaves curl up tight around the head of cauliflower so they stay so white and pristine.Cauliflower is still harvested by hand for the most part. Don't see a lot of broccoli anymore. Never see brussel sprouts grown commercially. I have a neighbor who raises cabbage for seed. A farmer up here near my daughter raises organically all the various cheddar cauliflowers and the green cross thing between broc and caul. I have grown broccoli but when my kids were all home I used to be able to glean in the fields and put enough in the freezer for winter use. Now I just buy fresh as my hubby and I want it.

On our farm the main crop is marionberries, evergreen blackberries, and hazelnuts. So many farmers won't even grow a garden. Hubby is the veggie man and I am the flower lady. Couldn't live without either.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Here the spring crop of cole crops are relatively worm free. It is the fall crop here that gets the "bugs".

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