Bluestone Perennials Half-Off Sale until 5/31/07

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Everyone,

For those who are still planning and planting their gardens, I came across Bluestone Perennials announcement of their 1/2 off sale on plants until the 31st.

I have ordered from Bluestone in the past and they are pretty good on customer service, have a wide range of stock, and although their plants seem small to me, the price is right and they grow well.

I ordered a bunch of Japanese Anemones on sale for the fall garden.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

This is the second time today that I have heard about the sale. I swear I'm not gonna look,,,lol

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for posting this sale. I had been looking at something since I received their catalog back in the early Spring, but had resisted the urge due to the price. Now at half price, don't feel the need to resist anymore!!!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, Go For It, Shuggins! and then be sure to post the pics of your sale scores! Can't wait to see! t.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you, tobasco. I placed on order. What a deal. I hope the items arivee in good condition.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Dang, I made the mistake of looking! Still have to make out my order. I used to order from them a lot years ago and it was sort of a trip down memory lane to see all the plants I used to grow, but have now mostly replaced. Interesting how much our gardens can change over the years without us hardly noticing.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL, yes, lincolntess, I have been gardening for just 3 years and I have tried a lot of Bluestone's. I am almost ready to try the same list again only do it right this time!

I've learned so much from reading DG and actually trial and error! I feel like I should start the whole thing over again and it would be so much easier....

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Wow tabasco, I can't believe you have only been gardening for 3 years. I've seen some of you beautiful photos and they make you look like an old pro.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks, lincolntess. I have to admit I have been fairly well obsessed with gardening ( and reading about it) since moving here to Cincy. I don't have much else to do--my kids are off to college and I am here all alone during the day. (Of course DH comes home in the evening, but he hates gardening.)

I did do vegetable gardening when my DH was at U. of Wisc. and the ag students would prepare a field for grad students families to grow veggies. And a bit of 'lite' gardening at our home in CA.

I like Bluestone and would like to go up there and check out the big sale sometime. We are heading back to L.A. that week or I would go this year.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Bluestone is one of my "fav" places to buy plants. They have a great advanced search feature so I am only looking at plants that have a chance to grow here without a lot of fussing.

Just to let you know.........if you fill your shopping cart and leave the window open on your computer overnight, by the next night when you are ready to finalize the purchase, you have to start all over again, because it forgot what you were ordering.

I had to do a lot of copying and pasting to a new window of shopping cart.

And why did I wait overnight???? Because I was either going to whittle it down, or add some 50% off, I didn't want to be too hasty.

Thanks for the heads up on the sale T. Of course we'll add these to the sales at, Caladiums4less and the Iris co-op plants.

When I didn't have a job, I was able to contain myself but now, why bother. I just order away.


Eureka, CA

I thought it was just me!!! I sat yesterday morning, filling my cart with fun! And this evening by the time I got back to it, it was gone! If I only had ordered what I picked yesterday I'd be a lot richer LOL!!! I took great advantage of the sale, much to the demise of my credit card. Oh well..... I can hardly wait till they get here!


Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow, I received an order from them two weeks ago and I didn't know about this. Thank you! Time to order everything I hesitated to order before.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I just hope they had everything that I ordered. Now the problem will be to find places for 45 new plants! The mums will have to go into pots, I know that much.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yikes, Forty-five new plants. I can't wait to see pics of your garden update in a few weeks!

I think I ordered about 25 plants--of course they are tiny and I think I can squeeze them into my new lasagne bed. I wish I had ordered some mums for fall color...

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ohhhh, I only have today yet to not look and then I'm in the clear,,,,,,,,

Bettendorf, IA

If only I had had that kind of will power.... I caved this AM

(Zone 5b)

I caved. Told myself that I'd just 'window shop' and just 'save the cart' but the pressure was just too much and I actually checked out this time. Came away with 18 new plants including two new Sedums (a white- cool! and a red), 4 or 5 new Irises, and the Solidaster Lemore that I've been eyeballing for nearly 2 years. I didn't act soon enough, and the Heuchera that I was loving (Dale's Strain) was now gone, but I'm SURE I'll find something to replace it before the season is gone.

I've spent WAY too much $$ already this season...and it's all been on 'Sale' items- how can this BE??!!!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

LOL,,,it's easy to spend,,,especially when you can justify it by the items being on sale.

Stow, OH(Zone 5b)

I happen to live nearby Bluestone and actually went there for the first time this year! What fun! I bought a ton of perennials and they are doing very well.

This Thursday they begin a huge clearance sale on-site. I may have to go get more!


Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

Rub it in in Jane...a little salt tin the wound LOL

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Awww Jane, That hurts.....that really hurts........although I just got an email, my plants were shipped today!!!!!!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Next year we should have the Ohio RU up at the Bluestone Sale!!? You organize it, missjane!!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh, a clearance sale,,,what's a girl to do??????

Stow, OH(Zone 5b)

I just discovered these forums, and glad I did! So, I'm a real newbie here!

But, the annual clearance sale is a big deal there and things are REAL cheap! I had a ball shopping there. You actually shop in the same greenhouses where the employees are picking the plants to ship. So, I brought my catalog and everything is in alphabetical order in the catalog and in the greenhouses, so I was able to follow along from A-Z. I'm sure it will now be an annual trek for me.

I look forward to participating in these forums. What a great find!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Welcome to the Forum, glad to have you here.


Eureka, CA

Got my plants today! First time was last year, and as last order, everything they sent arrived in wonderful shape! (A couple of things didn't get shipped, but the plants are so healthy....) Love Bluestone.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I just got my sale plants too and they all looked great. Most of my family lives in Cleveland and a couple of them are trying to landscape new yards so I told them about the onsite sale, hopefully they'll make it over there and get some good deals!

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

I got my plants today also.....and as usual in excellent shape.

Thanks to Bluestone I now have 20 new varieties of plants for my landscaping.


Bettendorf, IA

Mine should be in tomorrow. Just in tokme since I FINALLY got all the other stuff I "had to have" planted yesterday.

(Zone 5b)

Stop it, Jane...

My order arrived yesterday, and aside from the daylilies, I am thrilled with my plants. I'm also a DL fanatic, and these were not the quality I was expecting. But that's ok. I potted them up and they'll grow.

A couple highlights:

Hosta June, Antioch, and Paul's Glory
Iris Butter&Sugar, Big Blue, Snow Queen & Ceasar's Brother
Columbine Magic Rose, Wm. Guiness
Phlox Dodo H. Forbes
Solidago Laurelin
Solidaster Lemore
Sedum Stardust

And a few others. I'll use them again, I think, but also feel that the quality matched the price on the items I got, so likely will stick to the sales.

Eureka, CA

I think their 1/2 off stuff, if I remember correctly, isn't necessarily supposed to be first quality. I think it's kind of their leftovers?? A couple of mine were a little ragged, but I know they'll do fine.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It is the leftovers from their shipping season, this year all the plants I got were in good shape, but two years ago when I got some stuff from this sale it was a bit disappointing, definitely not as good quality as stuff from earlier in the year. But they all made it, just needed a bit more TLC and since they were half price, so I really couldn't complain! I think some plants probably last longer in those little tiny pots than others, some of the stuff they're getting rid of now has probably been in those little pots for a while.

(Zone 5b)

Yep; I agree. I was happy with the quality for the price...I'm not complaining at was a fair purchase, and I've got MORE PLANTS!!! :D

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