MIdges and aphids????

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Went to the bug files - which mostly offer descriptions of bugs - but not how to treat them.

Early in summer, we are driven to distraction by little tiny flies - midges, I presume. Never saw these on the west coast. Anyway, do you know what I have referring to? They seem to be in swarms. I have no idea if they do damage to plants on not, but they make being outside in the garden unpleasant. And they are VERY tiny.

Also - aphids - is there a simple way to rid the plants of these once and for all? I have heard of something call "systemics" what are these? Will they work?

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Seandor, I can't really answer a lot of your question but I do know that first you must decide if you want to go organic or with chemicals. (I think systemics aren't organic.) Your decision on that will dictate the rest. For organic pest & disease control I use Garden's Alive! products.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dave! I would like to go organic - but quite frankly, I am not above chemical warfare if that is what it takes. My apologies to those of you who are strictly organic - I know there are excellent reasons for going totally organic, so I will try those solutions first.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I don't think there are any "looking down their nose" purist around. Most of us who are basically organic will make exceptions. I used Round Up before I started my most recent new garden bed. I was actually surprised that it breaks down quickly & doesn't poison the ground.
I do find plenty of organic solutions for pests that work about as well as the poisons.
I am also big on compost & natural fertilizers because they build rather than deplete the soil. There are great books & articles explaining this. Plus you are not adding salts into the earth/water table.

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