dead bees on young crape myrtles

Hughesville, MD(Zone 7a)

Every evening I am finding little tiny bees (black and white striped body) on the tips of young crape myrtles, as well as on other very young trees in my yard. Has anyone heard of this? I have never sprayed any insecticide on the trees at all. (I'm in southern MD/Zone 7.)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's weird that the bees are dying on your trees if you haven't sprayed them. You might have insecticide on your trees that has floated thru the air. But other than that, that is very weird.

Louisville, KY

blame it on the cell phones/towers..haha heard that is killing all of the bees. That is odd though.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My dad mentioned here not too long ago that he heard there was a pesticide free county in FL I think it was and all the bees and other wildlife were thriving there.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Bees everywhere are dying of a parasite that kills them. It is a tick or some such. Beekeepers are pulling their bees away from the rental areas because of it. Perhaps your trees have this parsite????

West Palm Beach, FL

Bees are responsible for almost all our agricultural crops growing!!!!! That would be horrible if bees were no longer here; some wasps may pick up the job; however, it still would be awful.

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