visitor on porch

Beaumont, TX

I just went out to the front porch to snatch a hummingbird feeder to move to another location and when I reached up to get it I spied an odd looking fuzzy thing way up in the corner. I sneaked in to get the camera so I could have evidence.
What kind of bird is this, please? Isn't he cute???:)

Thumbnail by maidentheshade
Beaumont, TX

Here he is close up. He never moved even when I climbed up on the column platform to get eyeball to eyeball.

Thumbnail by maidentheshade
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I think it's a Wren!

Beaumont, TX

Thanks clapa. He looks kinda speckeledy. I thought it might be a furry critter till I saw the tail when I got close.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

He's sweet Connie.

I'm not that good at IDing birds yet, but he does remind me of that little wren that was following me the other day. He didn't seem to mind being close to me. I'd probably recognize that sweet little meep that I heard.

Don't forget my camera is out in your shop. Try to get more photos in the daylight when he might be turned around. And don't worry about using up my batteries because I've been charging those that I bought the other day.

Here's the photo of the wren.

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's a Carolina Wren.


Beaumont, TX

Thanks for the ID!
He wasn't there when I peeked this morning Janet. Maybe he roosts there at night. I'll check on him again later tonight.

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