Purple finches


They are eating me out of house and home. They stay at the feeder all day and probably keep some of the other birds away. I have flocks of them. I know that they get hungry too, but they never leave. Does anyone else have this problem. Other than take the feeders down, I don't know what else to do. Beth

Marlton, NJ

I've never heard of this with Finch before. I can't think of anything else to do than take down the feeders for 3 days and hopefully some of them will move on.
Lets see if someone else has a better idea. Good Luck Beth!


Well---I guess the feeders will come down. A red-winged blackbird has brought his many blackbird friends and all I have now is finches and blackbirds. I know that we can't be selective with the bird feeders but enough is enough. Beth

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Just to come to the defence of your Purple Finches . . . ;-)

Spring is actually the most difficult time of year for finches, as they are seed-eating, and natural seeds are in distinctly short supply at this time of year. For almost all finches, it is the time of year when mortality is highest in natural conditions. So it is probably a good idea to continue feeding them, particularly when they have come to rely on the supply you put out.


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