Sweet Cherry Peppers

Commerce, TX(Zone 7b)

Do Sweet Cherry Peppers turn red while on the plant or do you have to pick them while green for them to turn red? First time to rise them... Jerry

Commerce, TX(Zone 7b)

raise not (rise) them sorry.....

Commerce, TX(Zone 7b)

Another after-thought. Perhaps a picture would help...

Thumbnail by beare
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/82185/index.html It is a green to red pepper, which means that it turns red when ripe. If you want red, leave it on the plant until it turns.

Commerce, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks! Farmerdill, I had the question occur to me when I noticed one of the peppers becoming enlongated rather than round. Thanks again I am going to leave well enough alone.

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