Curry Leaf Plant

I am plant sitting a curry leaf plant for about a month for some friends. I am so afraid it is wilting already. Please, will someone tell me how to care for this plant? Does it need alot of sun? How often should I water it? Thank you so much for any help you can offer!

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Hi liris, first of all, calm down, can you get back to us with more detail about the plant, is it a bulb, is it like a bush or is it a climber, a pic would help. Even what kind of leaves does it have and the shape and size of leaf.
For now though, a couple of things that cause plants to wilt, too much water and plant still sitting with water around the pot, IF yes, take plant out of water and let it drain( till no water runs out of pot)too hot and dry air if indoors, have you got it too close to a window where it is getting scorched by strong sun as glass acts like a magnifying glass, if so move it into a more shaded area but it still gets day light, Have you watered it???? if not, give it a drink and the wilting leaves should perk up in about 6 hours. Did the owners tell you what the name of their beloved plant was, let us know if they did. that is a rough guide but need more info to be of any real help,
some plants also suffer from a bit of shock when moved and need time to get used to new position. If you have seen this plant in any flower shops, go in and ask them for instructions, IF IT DIES, get back into pannic mode. hope this helps you for now.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Sorry liris, WeeNel again, I lost this thread and now realised it is a curry leaf,
If you mean the plant leaves smell like curry, it real name is Helichrysum, the plant needs a bright position, (if indoors, dont sit it at a window or it will wilt, but give it bright light, it does NOT like a lot of water, just enough to slightly dampen the soil, they come from a very dry arid place so if you imagine a gravely soil that is fairly dry, you will get the idea. it eventualy gets white/yellow daisy shaped little flowers, grey velvety leaves, if I am on the right track.
Hope this is better help.

Thank you for your help. My new friends are from India and they use the leaves from this plant in their cooking. The plant is about a foot tall with a single stalk with branches (kind of like the branches of an umbrella). Each branch is lined with little pointed leaves that,
when crushed, smell like curry. It does not have grey velvety leaves.
I will water it sparingly and sit it away from the window. When they left the plant, the brances where all straight out horizontal, but now, the bottom three are drooping downward a bit. I would just feel terrible if I killed this thing, they seemed to treasure it so.
Thank you again for your help.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Hi liris, I have given you the name of the wrong plant, I think what you are looking after is some form of herb which I am unfamilier with from your discription, however, I would still look after it in the way that I have given as tips, Most herbs live in poorish soil and if used in Indian cooking, logic dictates from me that it is from hot climate as Indian families would not import herbs, as they would be used down the generations and in times past, that would be expensive, but I could have lost the plot completely, good luck anyway, hope someone else can help you even more than I.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Is it this one--Murraya koenigii?

If so it's not really an herb, more like a shrub/tree. Plant Files says it'll take sun to part shade and not to let it dry out.

Katy, TX

the leaves of this plant are used in Indian cooking for a distinct aroma. It is called Kadi patta in India.
This plant is difficult to start with but once it establishes it self it will survive the winters (at least in Texas).
I have had success after 2 or 3 tries.. now my tree is about 7 ft tall.
The seeds fall off and usually small new plants grow at the base of the tree .... I havent noticed any new plants under my tree.

Frisco, TX

which fertilizer is good for curry leaf plant? I would like to buy one ...can U please suggest me ..
I have very small plant

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