Yellowing of Leaves

Riverview, FL

I've recently purchased a Parasol Sun Crimson Mandevilla from Lowe's. I love it, it 'was' beautiful. It does not flower any more.
It sits on my patio which gets b/t 3-4 hours of sun in the morning. I water it roughly every other day or when it feels dry about 2 inches into the soil. In the large planter is also a pink dipladenia, and it seems that whatever is plaguing the mandevilla is now affecting the dipladenia.
I recently watered it with the miracle grow all purpose fertilizer.

The leaves discolor and then just drop off. In a week it won't have any leaves left. In any given day b/t 12-15 leaves just drop off per day. I wonder if it has been over fertilized and I should put it into neutral soil?
I'm thinking about seperating them, washing the roots off and putting both into different containers with neutral soil for a while. What do you all think?

Thumbnail by darkempress2003
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

too much water and not enough sun, i'm thinking. also, it's going to get pretty crowded in that pot with two vines. i never feed a plant that is obviously stressed. now you can't go putting it in bright sun when it's in this shape, but once it recovers, yes, more sun.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Leaves turning yellow and dropping off usually makes me think overwatering. I know you said you're waiting until it's dry 2 inches down, but maybe check down even farther, if it's in a pot that doesn't have a lot of drainage holes or something then it could be soaking wet down a little farther which would still be bad for the plant. If that's the case, it's not a bad idea to repot them in fresh soil. I agree with trackinsand too that the two vines in one container is probably going to be a bit much eventually, you'd probably be better giving them each their own pot.

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