How to keep animals out fruit trees?

Havana, FL

We had 20 new peaches on our trees and the animals got them .Now we have none...HELP....

Rome, GA(Zone 7b)

What's eating them? Birds? If they're dwarf trees you can use netting but it's pretty expensive. A long term solution I've heard is to plant something appealing around them like Mulberries. Have you tried stuff like hanging bags or pie tins in them?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Squirrels got mine. First year I've had peaches and bam, the squirrels got them about a week ago.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Ho - I got this one! I have battled the squirrels for four years over my peach tree. The little buggers would pull off the 1" green peaches, take a bite, throw it on the ground and go for the next one and repeat the process. They are so stupid!

I tried lots of things that didn't work, searched the net for answers and nothing! but finally.... I bought a really big bird baffle, cut off any limbs lower than 5 feet and the squirrels can't get up into the tree now. This year I had to get longer bolts to hold on the baffle as the trunk is bigger. But it works. There are no trees close by to jump from.

I had hot, sweet, delicious peaches off this tree for the first time last year.

Thumbnail by sterhill
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

How high up did you put the baffle? My trees are only about 7 ft tall right now but next year they might be decent size.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

My baffle is about 4.5' from the ground. I am so happy to finally find something that works against the squirrels!!!

But later in the season, when the peaches are really full of color, the birds will take dives at them. My tree is about 14' tall now, maybe... so it would be hard to net. BTW the netting does not stop squirrels - they just chew through it.

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